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Tuesday 2 July 2024

"Unacceptable" Labour Stance on Trans Rights and "Women-only spaces" says Southampton Test Liberal Democrat Candidate Thomas Gravatt and Friend of "Pansexual" MP Moran


Mr Gravatt DID Have The Time
To Glad-Hand "Pansexual" Layla Moran
Former Lib Dem MP
Image: Thomas Gravatt Twitter Feed*

Councillor Thomas Gravatt of Swaythlijng ward has refused to answer questions asked by us on behalf of Southampton residents, apparently due to a lack of time. Today the Lib Dems Candidate for Southampton Test proclaimed via his Twitter feed:

"These comments from Keir Starmer are completely unacceptable.  We need to be handling this issue with compassion and understanding, not seeking to further marginalise a group that's already amongst the most vulnerable. 

Trans men are men and trans women are women. End of story."

Keir Starmer, the Leader of the Labout Party, was quoted in The Telegraph:

"Asked by The Times if trans women with gender recognition certificates have the right to enter women-only spaces, the Labour leader said: 'No. They don’t have that right'"

And the arguments about trans rights go on amongst some people. If you are so inclined, let us know what you think about it, although there does seem to be a very silent majority on the issue.

What Does This Say About The Lib Dems' Priorities?

It is interesting that Mr Gravatt does have the time for LGBT rights and so on and to pontificate on such matters.

As we've pointed out before, Gravatt did have time to glad-hand former Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran (pictured above). Moran was quoted by the BBC as saying she was "pansexual" (apparently it has nothing to do with cooking, or kitchens, although both things might be perceived as sexy) and said:

"Pansexuality, to me, means it doesn't matter about the physical attributions of the person you fall in love with, it's about the person themselves

It doesn't matter if they're a man or a woman or gender non-conforming, it doesn't matter if they identify as gay or not.

In the end, these are all things that don't matter - the thing that matters is the person, and that you love the person."

We think Mr Gravatt's time might be better spent answering the below questions that we asked him - they are listed below. But apparently, he did not have the time. 

More accurately, his priorities lie elsewhere, working outside the Southampton Test constituency for his pal Geoff Cooper and furthering his political career in the Liberal Democrats. If you thought political careerism was just for Labour and Tory, think again.


The Six Basic Questions We Asked All Candidates

1. Why are you standing in this General Election?
2. Why are you standing for the <insert party or independent here>?
3. What will you do in the first 100 days if elected?
4. What do you think are the best top 5 policies of your party?
5. What do you think are the top 5 issues that Southampton people want addressed, and what do you intend to do about them?
6. What track record do you have of winning campaigns?

SILENCE from Thomas Gravatt on the above important but really quite easy questions for any serious candidate to answer.

Here is how the Conservative candidate answered.

Here is how the Reform candidate answered.

Here is how the TUSC candidate answered.

State of The Candidates On Answering The Six Questions

The Labour candidate Satvir Kaur did not respond, and the Green candidate Katherine Barbour refused to answer, and the Workers Party of Great Britain candidate Wajahat Shaukat said that he would answer, once we eventually managed to track him down (contact details were not readily available). But dspite promises from him days ago, there are still no answers from him.

Why Southampton Independents Is Covering the 2024 General Election

Southampton Independents recommends no particular candidate in the 2024 General Election. We publish this information and the information about the other candidates to help inform Southampton residents for their vote, or for them to choose not to vote or to positively spoil their ballot by writing "none of the above". It's your choice. 

The other candidates standing in Southampton Test are listed here.

Tell us what you think by getting in touch.

*As we have said before, if Mr Gravatt or his Liberal Democrat pals had provided us with a photo, we would have used it. But he refused to do that as well. If he would like us to remove this image, we will consider it, but we feel that it is in the public interest that it is published here.


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