Southampton Independents

Sunday 23 June 2024

Why Doesn't Satvir Kaur A Southampton Labour Councillor Standing for Parliament Mention Their 13 Years as a Southampton City Councillor, Leader or Cabinet Member On Their Leaflets?

Satvir Kaur Labour Leaflet
for 2024 General Election
from Southampton Test Constituency
Photo: Southampton Independents

Satvir Kaur is the Labour candidate for Southampton Test (West of the City) at the 2024 General Election.

As mentioned in other articles on this website, Ms Kaur is also a Councillor on Southampton City Council, and has been since 2011. She was in the Cabinet, the chief executive committee on the Council, exclusively populated by ten or less Labour councilors, for most of that time, over a decade. As well as this, she was briefly Leader of the Council from May 2022 to December 2023.

So why does she and Labour seem to be so keen not to mention this relevant experience?

Candidates and their parties send out leaflets to be delivered by their party or the Royal Mail. Southampton Independents has obtained two leaflets - one unaddressed and one addressed, from the Southampton Test constituency during the election campaign. 

Satvir Kaur Labour Leaflet (reverse)
for 2024 General Election
from Southampton Test Constituency
Photo: Southampton Independents

So why in her leaflets doesn't Satvir Kaur mention her experience representing the people of Southampton for all this time?

All what could be relevant experience as a Member of Parliament, somehow is not mentioned at all in either of the two leaflets. Neither the word "council" nor the word "councillor" are mentioned in either of the two leaflets.

Satvir Kaur Labour Letter Leaflet
for 2024 General Election
from Southampton Test Constituency
Photo: Southampton Independents

And nothing Councillor Kaur achieved on the Council is mentioned on any of the four pages in total on the leaflets. In fact, nothing is mentioned about the failures either, especially on the Council finances.


Satvir Kaur Labour Leaflet Letter (reverse)
for 2024 General Election
from Southampton Test Constituency
Photo: Southampton Independents


Perhaps there are other leaflets that mention how she took the Council to the brink of bankruptcy, instead of claiming in a leaflet that she will "fight" for Southampton?

Perhaps Southampton City Council have banned Ms Kaur from mentioning it?

Perhaps other leaflets explain how she will suddenly bring "affordable housing"? As mentioned before on this website, the Labour administration of the City Council spectacularly failed to deliver council-owned housing during the entire time that Labour has controlled the Council, with Kaur in the Cabinet or as Leader. This was despite promising to build council housing in their 2012 Manifesto. Worse than this, Councillor Kaur was Cabinet Member for Housing.

So we have asked Councillor Kaur. We remain sceptical, but will see if she will provide answers this time.

Despite patiently waiting, we never received any responses to the basic questions that other candidates did answer. They are listed below. We are being charitable in offering her another opportunity. These are basic questions that any serious candidate for Parliament could and should be able to easily answer.

1. Why are you standing in this General Election?
2. Why are you standing for the <party or independent>?
3. What will you do in the first 100 days if elected?
4. What do you think are the best top 5 policies of your party?
5. What do you think are the top 5 issues that Southampton people want addressed, and what do you intend to do about them?
6. What track record do you have of winning campaigns?

If no answer is received, residents may be able to work out for themselves why the word "council" or word "councillor" are both missing from the leaflets.

And they will draw their own conclusions as to why Satvir Kaur is so keen to avoid accountability for her failures to truly "fight" for Southampton on the City Council but perhaps they will think instead that she has used the office of councillor to further her own political career at the expense of Southampton, its City Council, its finances and its long-suffering residents.

Finally, it is interesting to note that Ms Kaur mentions being "ambitious" in the leaflets. 


Why Southampton Independents Is Covering the 2024 General Election

Southampton Independents recommends no particular candidate in the 2024 General Election. We publish this information and the information about the other candidates to help inform Southampton residents for their vote, or for them to choose not to vote or to positively spoil their ballot by writing "none of the above". It's your choice.

The other candidates for Southampton Test, with their answers to our questions, are here

Tell us what you think by commenting or getting in touch.


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