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Wednesday 26 June 2024

EXCLUSIVE: TUSC Candidate Declan Clune Answers Our Questions - 2024 General Election in Southampton Itchen

Declan Clune TUSC Candidate
for Southampton Itchen
at the 2024 General Election
Photo: used with permission Declan Clune


Declan Clune is the TUSC (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) Candidate at the  2024 General Election in Southampton Itchen.

Here are his answers to our six basic questions asked of all Southampton Itchen and Southampton Test candidates.


1. Why are you standing in this General Election?

Through 14 years of austerity, that all of the 3 main parties have had a role in implementing, public services, pay, working conditions, have all been massively reduced. These were brought about through political choices, choices that did not have to be made. Throughout the same period we have seen wealth and profits grow to historic highs, we have seen public money made available to achieve this, and with no end in sight. Labour as the official opposition are offering 'change' while committing to the same fiscal rules as the Tories, and have watered down or completely abandoned policies that was in the Labour Manifesto from 2019.
We are in a 'perfect storm' of crises that none of the other parties are committed to challenging. All of these crises, cost of living, health, housing, environment, sewerage, etc., etc.,, all have a more detrimental impact and effect on the working class and poor in our city. I am standing for real change, not just a 'change' of name of the MP representing the Itchen Constituency.
I also want a stand against the war in Gaza, I recognise the genocide taking place there and demand an immediate cease fire, and to work towards the continued support for a two-state solution in Israel/Palestine. All of the main parties have equivocated on this and same have even supported the genocide. 

2. Why are you standing for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition?

I am standing because I do not see any political representation for the working class of my city, I am standing for TUSC, as I have done on previous occasions, because it was set up to address this lack of political representation. As was stated at the founding meeting of TUSC, by the late great trade union leader Bob Crow, 'Business and capital already has 3 political parties representing them in the Tories, Labour and Lib Dems. We need a mass workers party, for and of the working class'. I believe that TUSC is the start of the process to being about the alternative needed to achieve that aim.
The working class should not be made to pay for any crises that were not of their making, yet it is us who are continually made to do so. 

3. What will you do in the first 100 days if elected?

I would call for an immediate cease fire in Gaza and seek support within Parliament to achieve this. I would work towards the abolition of the Trade Union Act as previously done by Keir Starmer, alongside the call to raise the minimum wage to £15 per hour for all ages. I would also start talks and plans to bring about the renationalisation of energy, water, Royal Mail and public transport as the beginning of a Socialist transformation of the economy so that it serves the many and not the few. 

4. What do you think are the best top 5 policies of your party?

As you have asked for 5 policies, I will provide 5. But I want to make it clear that I support all of the policies equally because I believe that all of the crises that I have mentioned are equally as urgent and in need of addressing.
TUSC will oppose all cuts to council jobs, services, pay and conditions. We will stand to renationalise our NHS and improve the pay, terms and conditions of all health workers. Reject increases in council tax, rent and service charges to compensate for government cuts. Vote against the privatisation of council jobs and services. Stand against war on Palestine and demand an immediate cease fore to bring about the two-state solution supported by the majority in Israel/Palestine. 

5. What do you think are the top 5 issues that Southampton people want addressed, and what do you intend to do about them?

The crisis in health in a massive issue for the people in Southampton, and across the country. Access to health services has declined, not just in hospitals, but also GP practices and for our most vulnerable. This must include the care service for the young and elderly that is largely privately run for huge profit with little pay and conditions for workers in those sectors.
The crisis in housing has grown immensely, the waiting list for affordable council homes stands at around 8,000 people. Some are living in overcrowded conditions and in properties unfit for human habitation. Mould and unsanitary conditions exist not only in private rented accommodation, but also in housing association and council properties. I believe we need to build genuinely affordable council homes again and end the right to buy that has handed over huge numbers of council homes built with public money, over to the private landlords.
The cost of living crisis is also massively important, people are now having to choose between heating and eating. Although heating is not such a massive issue at this time of year, it has been over the last 9 months and will be again. It is not workers wages that drive inflation but the massive profits made in this country and hived off to the wealthy here and across the world.
Education is another public service that is struggling due to cuts in funding and privatisation, this is a massive issue for our city. Teachers today were on strike at the Oasis Academy in Lordshill over the conditions they are working in driven by lack of leadership and a high turnover of staff. I spoke at a hustings arranged by the National Association of Head Teachers that was also attended by a representative of the National Education Union. They told me how much in real terms each school has had cut in terms of 'per pupil' it amounts to. The figures are criminal. See here for more.
The environmental crisis continues, and our city is no different. We have one of the worst air qualities in the country due to air traffic, shipping and cruise vessels, large, medium and small vehicle movements around a post and industrial city, as well of course the Fawley Oil Refinery, to name a few. This crisis is still at the forefront of most peoples minds, but with the crises that they see above as more immediate, are not focused on at the moment. 

6. What track record do you have of winning campaigns?

TUSC in the city has played a part in defending public services, some of which we have won and are still open today. We recently started a campaign that kept open the St. Mary's Leisure Centre that was under threat of closure by the Labour run council. We started and won a campaign to keep open a popular local resource that was also under threat of closure by the Labour run council known as 'The Venny' in Bevois Ward.
In the past, we were a part of the campaign to Save Oaklands Pool alongside the two Labour councillors for the Coxford Ward.
We have also played a part in many other campaigns in the city that were not successful, but remain committed to fighting for, and alongside, working class people in defence of every public service under threat. We also stand proudly alongside every trade union member and worker in dispute for better pay, terms and conditions, and in defence of public services.

Why Southampton Independents Is Covering the 2024 General Election

Southampton Independents recommends no particular candidate in the 2024 General Election. We publish this information and the information about the other candidates to help inform Southampton residents for their vote, or for them to choose not to vote or to positively spoil their ballot by writing "none of the above". It's your choice. 

The other candidates standing in Southampton Itchen are listed here

Tell us what you think by getting in touch



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