Southampton Independents

Sunday 16 June 2024

EXCLUSIVE: Southampton Test Conservative 2024 General Election Candidate Answers Our Questions


Ben Burcombe-Filer Conservative
2024 General Election Candidate
For Southampton Test
Photo: Ben Burcombe-Filer

As already reported in our exclusive story on some of his comments, Ben Burcombe-Filer is the Conservative 2024 General Election Candidate for the Southampton Test Constituency.

Here are Mr Burcombe-Filer's responses to the six questions that we have asked of all candidates. They are provided in full. We are very grateful to him for providing them at this busy time for candidates and for the Conservative party. He declined our request for an interview.

1. Why are you standing in this General Election?

"I am standing in this election because Southampton Test deserves a choice. Currently 75% of its councilors are Labour, with the potential of a Labour MP and  Keir Starmer in number 10, all checks and balances are effectively removed.
You only have to look at Labours track record to see why this is bad news for the people of Southampton Test. The council needs to save 40m annually in a desperate attempt to stave off a section 114, something which will inevitably lead eyewatering council tax rises and cuts to services that will hammer the people the council is supposed to serve! They have not even begun trying to balance the books, because they fear reprisals at the ballot box next month.
How can they be trusted to put the people of Southampton or indeed the country first?"

2. Why are you standing as the Conservative Party Candidate?

"I am standing as a Conservative, because only the Conservatives have a plan that works for the people of the UK. Lower taxes, an end to illegal migration, CV-19 backlogs dealt with, safety and security in retirement for our pensioners and opportunities for our young people. 
Labour have no plan beyond higher taxes and open borders."

3. What will you do in the first 100 days if elected?

"People are tired of politicians making promises, so I am making only 1. My first 100 days as MP for Southampton Test  would be the same my entire tenure. Listening to the people I  would be lucky enough to represent, acting on their wishes to the best of my ability, and always putting them first."

4. What do you think are the best top 5 policies of your party?

"My favorite policies.
    1 Extension of free childcare hours – A brilliant investment in people’s potential allowing more parents to return to work, leveling up both the UK’s economy and the lives of those affected.
    2 Triple Lock Plus – I am lucky enough to still have 2 grandparents both old enough to renember D-Day. Its crucial we ensure security and dignity to our elderly.
    3 100k extra apprenticeship and getting rid of rip off degrees. In my personal and professional life I have seen firsthand the power of apprenticeships to transform lives. I have also seen the damage done by degrees that offer no real skills or employability benefits. This is a game changer for our young people. Security for those going to university that their degree is worth it, and opportunities for all.
    4 NI Cut and commitment to abolish. Hard working people get to keep more of their money, and so they should."

5. What do you think are the top 5 issues that Southampton people want addressed, and what do you intend to do about them?

"I have 1 priority not 5. To make Southampton the world leading city it should be. That means maximizing its potential by creating well paid jobs for its adults, opportunities for its young people and safer streets for us all."

6. What track record do you have of winning campaigns?

"Winning Campaigns? I was written off at 18 months old, and ever since I have been told I cannot do this, or will not be able to do that. So I have been campaigning for almost my entire life, and that fact that I am writing this as Candidate for Southampton Test is purely down to the fact I win my campaigns."

Why Southampton Independents Is Covering the 2024 General Election

Southampton Independents recommends no particular candidate in the 2024 General Election. We publish this information and the information about the other candidates to help inform Southampton residents for their vote, or for them to choose not to vote or to positively spoil their ballot by writing "none of the above". It's your choice.

The other candidates for Southampton Test, with their answers to our questions, are here.

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