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Saturday 29 June 2024

EXCLUSIVE: Another Candidate Complains About "Degrading" Treatment by the Churches Together Hustings

Wajahat Shaukat
Workers Party of Great Britain
Candidate for Southampton Test
at the 2024 General Election
Photo: used with permission
Wajahat Shaukat


In our exclusive article, we revealed the history of how a Southampton Vicar has  excluded or threatened to exclude some General Election candidates from public events. 

This has most recently been from the "hustings" earlier this month in Shirley for the Southampton Test constituency in the West of our City. 

Reverend Dan Clark, the organiser, excluded the 2024 TUSC candidate Maggie Fricker from the Panel of candidates answering questions at the public meeting. If you click the link, you can see what Ms Fricker had to say in answer to our six basic questions that we sent to all candidates.

Now we can exclusively reveal that another candidate for Southampton Test has complained to the Rev Clark about how he was treated by the Churches Together organiser.

Wajahat Shaukat told us:

"It is disappointing to say the least to be at the receiving end of discriminatory actions furthermore to be labelled as a small party. Regardless of the size of the party such an opportunity should not have been offered if it was to be taken away in a degrading manner."

Mr Shaukat told us that he was originally invited to the hustings, only for the opportunity to be taken away, and that he had complained to Rev Clark. He told us that had to also consider child care arrangements, but would have taken part if the offer had not subsequently been taken away.

Residents may share his disappointment at what he called "discrimination" and "degrading" treatment.

Ben Burcombe-Filer, the Conservative Candidate for Southampton Test, who was at the hustings, did reply but declined to comment, saying:


Ben Burcombe-Filer

"I am afraid it has reached the point in the campaign where I really do not have the time to comment any further."


So it seems that if you believe the Green candidate Katherine Barbour, also a Christian, then:


"God decides when we die."


and it seems that when it comes to the Churches Together hustings in Shirley, that the Vicar decides which candidates can take part and which cannot. 


Many Sotonians will not agree that candidates should be silenced in this way.

Southampton Independents does not. We have given equal treatment to all candidates.

We have offered the Rev Clark the right of reply. He declined to comment further.

Offers were made for reply to Labour Candidate and Shirley Councillor and former Leader of the near-bankrupt City Council Satvir Kaur and Ms Barbour, but have received nothing further from either since.

Why Southampton Independents Is Covering the 2024 General Election

Southampton Independents recommends no particular candidate in the 2024 General Election. We publish this information and the information about the other candidates to help inform Southampton residents for their vote, or for them to choose not to vote or to positively spoil their ballot by writing "none of the above". It's your choice. 

The other candidates standing in Southampton Test are listed here.

Tell us what you think by getting in touch


Friday 28 June 2024

EXCLUSIVE: "God Decides When We Die" Says Green At Church Election Event - Who Decides To Exclude General Election Candidates? The Vicar?


The Vicar? Yes. Sadly in this case, this has actually happened. But the explanations for it, and the circumstances, are not too clear. So for the benefit of Sotonians, for fairness and for democracy, we've tried to find out, directly from those involved.

We are impartial and do not support any particular candidate.

The Vicar, Dan Clark, was the organiser at the Churches Together 2024 General Election hustings event where candidates were asked questions by the public. It was held by Churches Together at St. James' Church by the Park in Shirley. 

The Vicar excluded two candidates. So the public could not ask them questions. You may ask why and for what reasons? Please read on...

Green Candidate Speaks on Assisted Dying

At that hustings, the Green candidate for Southampton Test, who we understand is a Christian, when asked about assisted dying, said:

"God decides when we die.".

Readers will be pleased to know that "God" doesn't decide how Southampton Independents conducts our investigations, or how we treat candidates fairly and impartially. But we do these things anyway.

Did "God"'s representative for Churches Together decide who could be asked questions at the hustings? Read on...

Candidate Complains

Ms Barbour's rival, Maggie Fricker, is the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Candidate for Southampton Test at the 2024 General Election. Unlike Ms Barbour, she answered our questions about the election. Ms Barbour refused to answer any questions. Despite this snub of Southampton residents, we have given her the right of reply to this article.

Maggie Fricker
TUSC Candidate for Southampton Test
at the 2024 General Election
Photo: Used with permission M Fricker

Ms Fricker has complained, as reported by Jason Lewis of the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS), about her treatment at the hustings event in Shirley.

Shirley, the location is a coincidence (geddit?). [As Airplane's Frank Drebin said, "don't call me Shirley".].

Yet surely enough, Shirley happens to be the exact same Council ward that the Labour Candidate Satvir Kaur has represented since 2011.  Maybe "God" meant it? Or it was just a coincidence?

Amongst other questions answered by Councillor Kaur at the event was assisted dying, a highly emotive and controversial topic. You've seen some of what the Green had to say on this highly emotive, complex and controversial topic. Other candidates answered two, as in the LDRS report.

Other topics were also covered by the four other candidates that were allowed to answer questions by the Reverend Clark.

Vicar Excludes Two Candidates From Hustings

But not the TUSC candidate Ms Fricker, and not the Workers Party of Great Britain candidate, Wajahat Shaukat. 

Instead, she was asked to read a short statement, but not participate like the others were allowed to, on the Panel.

She protested, saying:

“As a shop steward and a working class woman, I do have some experience of middle class men not respecting my right to speak.”

Have other candidates experienced similar treatment by Churches Together and Dan Clark? Yes. Our own candidate Andrew Pope did before the 2017 General Election.

What Happened at the 2017 General Election?

When Southampton Independents stood Mr Pope as its candidate in 2017, he sat on the panel at the hustings organised by Churches Together. But not without a great deal of anxiety of exclusion by the same organiser.

Andrew Pope speaking to BBC in 2017
when a councilor on Southampton City Council
Image: Southampton Independents

Leading up to the event, Mr Pope's Election Agent had to ask and ask again, and chase, for Mr Clark to confirm that the Southampton Independents candidate would be on the Panel. The Reverend had seemed evasive over an extended period of time. Standing for Parliament is a busy and stressful time, and candidates are volunteers after all.

Doubt was cast on this by Mr Clark over a continued period of time, who claimed that it was depending on the number of candidates and the delay in response had been because he was away. Yet Mr Pope's involvement was in doubt.

No mention was made in 2017 on the polls, like it has been recently given as the reason by Mr Clark for exclusing the two candidates the 2024 event. 

Different reasons were given between 2024 and 2017. In 2017, it turned out that 5 candidates were nominated, so Mr Pope was "allowed" to take part, having been in doubt about being excluded. 


The Law and Regulator

Both of the reasons given by the Reverend Clark for potential exclusion in 2017 and actual exclusion in 2024, may or may not be deemed "impartial" by the Regulator of hustings, the Electoral Commission. Since the 2017 election, the Elections Act 2022 has been passed by Parliament.

Churches Together provides guidance to those organising hustings. 

Has Mr Clark followed it? Was the guidance clear or accurate? We have asked him.

At the 2017 hustings, there were five candidates. At the 2024 hustings, there were five candidates on the Panel, but two were excluded according to one poll, claimed Mr Clark. 

In reality, according to the LDRS report, one could not attend, Wajahat Shaukat for the Workers Party of Great Britain, although as you will see, the reasons seem to not be clear or consistent. We have asked Mr Shaukat for comment.

The other candidate could attend (Ms Fricker) but was not allowed to sit on the Panel. So it would have only been six candidates instead of five.


Other Hustings Events in Southampton in 2024

The hustings at Oasis Academy Mayfield for Southampton Itchen candidates included all six candidates.

Yet Ms Fricker was still excluded from the 2024 Churches Together hustings. And the circumstances surrounding Mr Shaukat remain less than clear.

We have asked the Rev Clark to respond and hoped that his response would not echo the Green candidate that "God" decides who can be asked questions.

The Vicar Responds

Rev Clark told us:

"Wajahat (the Workers party candidate in this election) would have come if he had been on the panel. It was only because he wasn’t on the panel that he thought it best to arrange for someone to speak on his behalf rather than organising childcare."

So the Rev Clark has confirmed that he had excluded Mr Shaukat.

Yet the Daily Echo article, taken from a syndicated piece written by Jason Lewis of the  LDRS, states that:

"The hustings at St James’ by the Park on Monday, June 24, featured a question time panel with the candidates from the five parties polling the highest – Conservative, Green, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Reform UK."


"Workers Party candidate Mr Shaukat was unable to attend the meeting due to childcare commitments, the vicar said."

Mr Shaukat has indicated that it was not that simple and he is composing a written response. We have also notified Mr Lewis, in case the Daily Echo piece has been modified from his original.

So which was it? Either? Or both? What was the sequence of decisions or rationale given to candidates? Was it impartial? Was the event to be non-selective, or selective? Were the reasons impartial?


The Rev Clark has tried to clarify:

 “Having organised successful Southampton Test hustings events in 2017 with all 5 candidates (including 2 independents) and one in 2019 with all 6 candidates (including 1 independent), the feedback from the audience in 2019 was that having as many as 6 candidates on the panel felt too much - it led to a lot of repetition, and meant that the audience weren’t able to hear as much from those they perceived to be the ‘main candidates’. It also meant we covered fewer topic questions. 

"Based on that feedback, I decided to limit the number of panellists this time to 5. I waited until after the nominations deadline had passed (so I knew for sure who was standing), then checked the polls. Because there were 7 candidates standing overall, I contacted the candidates of the 2 parties polling lowest and explained that they were welcome to bring literature for people to take, and were welcome to make a short speech in the final part of the evening to put their pitch, but would not be on the panel fielding the questions.”


We await a response from Mr Shaukat, the other candidate that was excluded from the hustings Panel, and a second response to further questions sent to the Rev Clark.

Meanwhile, our approach to covering the 2024 General Election is to be impartial and fair to all candidates, and to challenge them all as a free public service. Southampton residents value our service and we can see it in our website figures.

We offered Katherine Barbour the right of reply on her comments. Southampton Green Party's Media Officer declined to comment.

Why Southampton Independents Is Covering the 2024 General Election

Southampton Independents recommends no particular candidate in the 2024 General Election. We publish this information and the information about the other candidates to help inform Southampton residents for their vote, or for them to choose not to vote or to positively spoil their ballot by writing "none of the above". It's your choice. 

The other candidates standing in Southampton Test are listed here

Tell us what you think by getting in touch

Wednesday 26 June 2024

EXCLUSIVE: TUSC Candidate Declan Clune Answers Our Questions - 2024 General Election in Southampton Itchen

Declan Clune TUSC Candidate
for Southampton Itchen
at the 2024 General Election
Photo: used with permission Declan Clune


Declan Clune is the TUSC (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) Candidate at the  2024 General Election in Southampton Itchen.

Here are his answers to our six basic questions asked of all Southampton Itchen and Southampton Test candidates.


1. Why are you standing in this General Election?

Through 14 years of austerity, that all of the 3 main parties have had a role in implementing, public services, pay, working conditions, have all been massively reduced. These were brought about through political choices, choices that did not have to be made. Throughout the same period we have seen wealth and profits grow to historic highs, we have seen public money made available to achieve this, and with no end in sight. Labour as the official opposition are offering 'change' while committing to the same fiscal rules as the Tories, and have watered down or completely abandoned policies that was in the Labour Manifesto from 2019.
We are in a 'perfect storm' of crises that none of the other parties are committed to challenging. All of these crises, cost of living, health, housing, environment, sewerage, etc., etc.,, all have a more detrimental impact and effect on the working class and poor in our city. I am standing for real change, not just a 'change' of name of the MP representing the Itchen Constituency.
I also want a stand against the war in Gaza, I recognise the genocide taking place there and demand an immediate cease fire, and to work towards the continued support for a two-state solution in Israel/Palestine. All of the main parties have equivocated on this and same have even supported the genocide. 

2. Why are you standing for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition?

I am standing because I do not see any political representation for the working class of my city, I am standing for TUSC, as I have done on previous occasions, because it was set up to address this lack of political representation. As was stated at the founding meeting of TUSC, by the late great trade union leader Bob Crow, 'Business and capital already has 3 political parties representing them in the Tories, Labour and Lib Dems. We need a mass workers party, for and of the working class'. I believe that TUSC is the start of the process to being about the alternative needed to achieve that aim.
The working class should not be made to pay for any crises that were not of their making, yet it is us who are continually made to do so. 

3. What will you do in the first 100 days if elected?

I would call for an immediate cease fire in Gaza and seek support within Parliament to achieve this. I would work towards the abolition of the Trade Union Act as previously done by Keir Starmer, alongside the call to raise the minimum wage to £15 per hour for all ages. I would also start talks and plans to bring about the renationalisation of energy, water, Royal Mail and public transport as the beginning of a Socialist transformation of the economy so that it serves the many and not the few. 

4. What do you think are the best top 5 policies of your party?

As you have asked for 5 policies, I will provide 5. But I want to make it clear that I support all of the policies equally because I believe that all of the crises that I have mentioned are equally as urgent and in need of addressing.
TUSC will oppose all cuts to council jobs, services, pay and conditions. We will stand to renationalise our NHS and improve the pay, terms and conditions of all health workers. Reject increases in council tax, rent and service charges to compensate for government cuts. Vote against the privatisation of council jobs and services. Stand against war on Palestine and demand an immediate cease fore to bring about the two-state solution supported by the majority in Israel/Palestine. 

5. What do you think are the top 5 issues that Southampton people want addressed, and what do you intend to do about them?

The crisis in health in a massive issue for the people in Southampton, and across the country. Access to health services has declined, not just in hospitals, but also GP practices and for our most vulnerable. This must include the care service for the young and elderly that is largely privately run for huge profit with little pay and conditions for workers in those sectors.
The crisis in housing has grown immensely, the waiting list for affordable council homes stands at around 8,000 people. Some are living in overcrowded conditions and in properties unfit for human habitation. Mould and unsanitary conditions exist not only in private rented accommodation, but also in housing association and council properties. I believe we need to build genuinely affordable council homes again and end the right to buy that has handed over huge numbers of council homes built with public money, over to the private landlords.
The cost of living crisis is also massively important, people are now having to choose between heating and eating. Although heating is not such a massive issue at this time of year, it has been over the last 9 months and will be again. It is not workers wages that drive inflation but the massive profits made in this country and hived off to the wealthy here and across the world.
Education is another public service that is struggling due to cuts in funding and privatisation, this is a massive issue for our city. Teachers today were on strike at the Oasis Academy in Lordshill over the conditions they are working in driven by lack of leadership and a high turnover of staff. I spoke at a hustings arranged by the National Association of Head Teachers that was also attended by a representative of the National Education Union. They told me how much in real terms each school has had cut in terms of 'per pupil' it amounts to. The figures are criminal. See here for more.
The environmental crisis continues, and our city is no different. We have one of the worst air qualities in the country due to air traffic, shipping and cruise vessels, large, medium and small vehicle movements around a post and industrial city, as well of course the Fawley Oil Refinery, to name a few. This crisis is still at the forefront of most peoples minds, but with the crises that they see above as more immediate, are not focused on at the moment. 

6. What track record do you have of winning campaigns?

TUSC in the city has played a part in defending public services, some of which we have won and are still open today. We recently started a campaign that kept open the St. Mary's Leisure Centre that was under threat of closure by the Labour run council. We started and won a campaign to keep open a popular local resource that was also under threat of closure by the Labour run council known as 'The Venny' in Bevois Ward.
In the past, we were a part of the campaign to Save Oaklands Pool alongside the two Labour councillors for the Coxford Ward.
We have also played a part in many other campaigns in the city that were not successful, but remain committed to fighting for, and alongside, working class people in defence of every public service under threat. We also stand proudly alongside every trade union member and worker in dispute for better pay, terms and conditions, and in defence of public services.

Why Southampton Independents Is Covering the 2024 General Election

Southampton Independents recommends no particular candidate in the 2024 General Election. We publish this information and the information about the other candidates to help inform Southampton residents for their vote, or for them to choose not to vote or to positively spoil their ballot by writing "none of the above". It's your choice. 

The other candidates standing in Southampton Itchen are listed here

Tell us what you think by getting in touch



Farage on Ukraine - and the Reactions from the Labour, Lib Dems and Tory Party Leaders


John Edwards, Southampton Test Candidate
for Reform
Photo: used with permission John Edwards

Alex Culley, Southampton Itchen Candidate for Reform UK
Photo: used with persmission Alex Culley

Nigel Farage, Leader of the Reform UK party, has made a career out of being unconventional. He regularly says that he doesn't care what people think of him. And he is outspoken.

Love him or hate him, like his great achievements or dislike them as terrible achievements, agree with his views or disagree, Farage is back. 

And he's using Eminem's "Without Me" to say "Guess who's back? Back again...". He is "out of retirement". And he is having a massive impact, whether you wish to acknowledge it or not.

So what does he think of the Ukraine war, or as the Russians like to call it - or have to call it at Vladimir Putin's insistence - the "special military operation"?

Farage was asked his views by the BBC's Nick Robinson in the General Election Leader interview. And of course, as is often the case, Mr Farage's views attracted interest, headlines and opprobrium. 

Farage has broken the Lab-Lib-Tory consensus and questioned foreign policy, saying of the Ukraine war:

"Of course it's [Putin's] fault, he's used what we've done as an excuse."

Robinson asked him:

"We've provoked the invasion of Ukraine?"

Farage replied:

"Yes, and very interestingly once again, ten years ago when I predicted this. By the way, I'm the only person in British politics that predicted what would happen.

And of course, everyone said I was a pariah for daring to suggest it.

George Robertson, former Labour cabinet member who went on to become the Secretary General of NATO, has in the last couple of weeks said the war is a direct result of EU expansionism."

Farage has indeed upset the consensus between the Leader of the Opposition Keir Starmer, the Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey and the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

They had been trying to avoid Nigel Farage, said Sky News' Darren McCaffrey who reported that Sunak said, echoing Neville Chamberlain's "peace in our time" claim regarding how he dealt with Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler:

"What he said was completely wrong and he plays into Putin's hands. This is a man who deployed nerve agents on the streets of Britain, who's doing deals with countries like North Korea. And this kind of appeasement is dangerous for Britain's security, the security of our allies that rely on us and only emboldens Putin further."

Keir Starmer, rather simplistically, said:

"Farage's comments about Russia and Ukraine are disgraceful. I've always been clear that Putin bears responsibility, sole responsibility for the Russian aggression in Ukraine. And we have always supported Ukraine and behind Ukraine and so far we've done it united across Parliament".

Ed Davey, rather snootily, said:

"I don't share any values with Nigel Farage. This is another example, but my message to the British people is that we need to support the Ukraine people. This is a time of deep insecurity in our world."

So what does Southampton Independents think? Opinion pieces may be forthcoming after the Election.

You can make up your own minds based on what we present, with balance across political parties, here and in our coverage of the Election. There will be more to come on this during the General Election campaign and afterwards. And you can decide whether to support the Reform candidates in Southampton, or not.

Our coverage of the 2024 General Election, and local candidates, starts on this page here.


Tuesday 25 June 2024

Farage on Ukraine: Defiant Southampton Reform Candidate Defends Farage on "Tyrant" Putin


Alex Culley, Reform UK Candidate
for Southampton Test at 2024 General Election
Photo: used with permission Alex Culley

In defending Nigel Farage's comments on the Ukraine-Russia war in the BBC's Nick Robinson Leader interview, which we have summarised in another article, Southampton Itchen Reform candidate Alex Culley told us:

"the political establishment, and some in the media, are desperately casting around for stories to discredit Reform UK. This is simply because we are gaining serious support on the doorstep."

Attacking Reform's opponents, and branding Putin a tyrant, Mr Culley added:

"some of our opponents advocate, or have supported politicians or policies in the past which have advocated, for the serious weakening of our nation's defences by scrapping our nuclear deterrent (something which makes Putin think twice before attacking us). By contrast, we have pledged to increase defence spending to 3% of our GDP within 6 years to put tyrants like Putin on notice that the UK will not be bullied."
and cites Boris Johnson, George Robertson and Tony Blair as having similar views to Farage at various times about Ukraine or Putin.

  • "(former Tory Prime Minister) Boris Johnson was quoted as saying that "EU foreign policy is to blame for inflaming tensions in Ukraine, rather than keeping peace" in 2016 (The i newspaper front page, as used in a prop by Nigel Farage on top of his campaign bus recently). Johnson at the time was accused of being a "Putin apologist";
  • former Labour MP and NATO Secretary General George Robertson was recently quoted as saying: "He’s [Putin] bothered by the European Union. The whole Ukraine crisis started with the offer of an [EU] accession agreement to Ukraine [in 2014]"; and
  • Tony Blair allegedly advocated for Putin to be given a seat on the "top table"."


Mr Culley also told us:

  •     "Nigel has made it clear that Putin's invasion of Ukraine was immoral, outrageous and indefensible;
  •     Nigel is not, and has never been, an apologist for Putin;
  •     Reform UK supports Ukraine's resistance and the provision of aid by the USA and European nations;
  •     Nigel's comments have been taken out of context and distorted by many in the press and the established parties;
  •     in his speech, Nigel merely predicted what the consequences of the eastward expansion of NATO and the EU could be as, regardless of what we think, Russia was never likely to view this as being benign;
  •     to conduct effective foreign policy, ignoring such geopolitical realities is both naive and dangerous;
  •     Nigel has long advocated for British foreign policy to be conducted in the nation's interests, and is on record as having been against the interventions in Iraq and Libya which have had disastrous consequences for both the Middle East and Europe; and
  •     Reform UK wants to see an end to this war as soon as possible. It has already cost hundreds of thousands of lives, spiked energy prices and inflation in the UK. This [has] contributed to the cost of living crisis. It is one of the main reasons Reform UK is advocating for strengthening our energy independence."

Why Southampton Independents Is Covering the 2024 General Election

Southampton Independents recommends no particular candidate in the 2024 General Election. We publish this information and the information about the other candidates to help inform Southampton residents for their vote, or for them to choose not to vote or to positively spoil their ballot by writing "none of the above". It's your choice. 

The other candidates standing in Southampton Itchen are listed here.  

Tell us what you think by getting in touch.


Monday 24 June 2024

UPDATED (3/7/24): Conservatives Betting On The Election Date: We Ask Tory Candidates To Rule Themselves Out

Ben Burcombe-Filer
Tory Candidate for Southampton Test
Photo: used with permission B Burcombe-Filer*


UPDATED (3/7/234): It is late on the Eve of Polling Day. STILL no response!

Neither the Test nor the Itchen candidates ruled themselves out of betting on elections, although we waited for a week for them to respond to our request.


UPDATED (28/6/24): No response from Sidney Yankson. No response from Ben Burcombe-Filer. This is despite even more revelations about Tory betting and candidates (finally) being dropped by the Tories. And Labour is also now embroiled in the scandal too. How deep does the rabbit hole go?

Southampton Green Party, both of whose Southampton candidates refused to answer our six basic questions to all candidates, have also declined to comment on the betting scandal.


You may be aware of the ongoing investigations by the Gambling Commission into betting on the election date. The date was announced by Rishi Sunak, which is his prerogative as Prime Minister. It was a surprise date, a so-called "snap election" for which the date would normally be kept to a small group of people. 

The Prime Minister has failed to act to suspend candidates, even Tory candidate Craig Williams who has admitted publicly that he placed a bet. Mr Williams was also an "aide" to Rishi Sunak.
But then Mr Sunak, along with the former disgraced Prime Minster Boris Johnson, also in the Conservative Party, were fined for breaking Covid rules, while the rest of the country faced curbs on their freedoms and being banned from tending to their loved ones. 
Johnson went in shame but somehow Sunak survived and became Prime Minister, chosen despite losing the Conservatives leadership election to 44-day disgraced Prime Minister, Liz Truss. When Sunak resigned from Boris Johnson's Government, in his resignation letter, he said that he thought that:
"the public rightly expect government to be conducted properly, competently and seriously. I recognise this may be my last ministerial job, but I believe these standards are worth fighting for and that is why I am resigning"
Yet Sunak has been embroiled in scandal after scandal, just like his predecessors.
Yes, the Tories have lurched from one failed Prime Minister to another - Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss, and now Sunak. He is claiming that he has had success, but in The Sun TV debate with Keir Starmer, has also blamed his predecessors.

If the Tories are destroyed at the 2024 General Election, it seems reasonable that at least some voters will enjoy contributing to their demise. The betting scandal is like the disgraced sequence of failed premiers, and is just another in a long line of shameful events that are an insult to democracy. Five prime ministers from 2010 to 2024, with four of them, yes four! resigning!
Now it has become evident that the Commission is investigating even more Conservatives, be they candidates or party officers. Has Sunak made any difference to the Tory plight, not if the opinion polls are to be believed. Since he stopped giving away taxpayers money, his approval ratings have got worse and worse.

We Ask The Conservative Southampton Candidates About Betting

Until the identities of all those investigated are named, and it has not been the Gambling Commission that has revealed any names so far, the cloud of suspicion hangs over the Conservative Party and their candidates and officers. Questions arise:
  1. Who knew?
  2. What did they know?
  3. When did they know it?
So we are trying to inform the voters in Southampton about the candidates here, as this may materially affect their vote.

In this vein, we have asked both Itchen Tory candidate Sidney Yankson and Test Tory candidate Ben Burcombe-Filer the following questions:

Will you state categorically that you did not place a bet on the Election date?

The Labour campaign co-ordinator Pat McFadden has called on the Gambling Commission to name those under investigation.
Do you agree with him?

On the local BBC Politics programme on 23rd June, Peter Henley asked Bournemouth candidate and former MP Tobias Ellwood about it. Mr Ellwood said that parliamentarians should be banned in future. 
Would you agree that it should be obvious to everyone that it should not be done anyway?

We await their responses.


Why Southampton Independents Is Covering the 2024 General Election

Southampton Independents recommends no particular candidate in the 2024 General Election. We publish this information and the information about the other candidates to help inform Southampton residents for their vote, or for them to choose not to vote or to positively spoil their ballot by writing "none of the above". It's your choice.

* We would have shown a photo of Sidney Yankson, but he has never responded to our request for a photo, or to any of our questions. Perhaps he is spending more time in Kensington, or is planning to be there again on 5th July, despite claiming that since January he now lives in Southampton? Yes, we have asked him about that too.

Lib Dems Southampton Test Candidate Thomas Gravatt - Has Time But Not To Answer Your Questions!


Happy to Help Lib Dem Pals!
But Not in Southampton Test
Image: Thomas Gravatt Twitter*

Caught out! The Libs Dem Southampton Test candidate Thomas Gravatt said via his Campaign Manager, that he did not have time to answer your questions despite standing in the 2024 General Election. We asked all candidates the same questions.

Questions that Southampton residents need answers to, in order to make a more informed decision on their vote. Or even, whether to vote at all, or positively spoil their ballot.

Basic questions were refused by Mr Gravatt that any serious candidate could and should answer quickly. And which other candidates have answered, and which are shown on this website.

But clearly, Mr Gravatt did have time to meet Layla Moran, a prominent Liberal Democrat former Member of Parliament (just a candidate now the election is on, as Parliament is dissolved). 

And not in Southampton Test was Mr Gravatt happy to help, but in another constituency, in Rownhams which is Romsey and Southampton North, helping Geoff Cooper presumably who is the Lib Dem candidate there. Perhaps residents will be less damning, as at least Rownhams is nearby, not Kensington, unlike the Conservative candidate in Southampton Itchen.

That time being happy to help Mr Cooper could have been spent answering your questions.

It's the Southampton Test candidate's choice. Contrary to popular belief, candidates are volunteers and are not paid.

Residents can draw their own conclusions about Mr Gravatt's choices and his priorities over his time, when he said that he did not have the time to answer your questions.

Why Southampton Independents Is Covering the 2024 General Election

Southampton Independents recommends no particular candidate in the 2024 General Election. We publish this information and the information about the other candidates to help inform Southampton residents for their vote, or for them to choose not to vote or to positively spoil their ballot by writing "none of the above". It's your choice.

The other candidates for Southampton Test, with their answers to our questions, are here

Tell us what you think by commenting or getting in touch


* We would have preferred to use a photo sent to us, like we have for our candidates who have given us permission, but the Lib Dems did not provide one when asked. Plus the Twitter photo is evidence of a contradiction of Mr Gravatt's claims of a lack of time. If Mr Gravatt or the Lib Dems object and want to tell us to remove the image, we will consider it.

Sunday 23 June 2024

Why Doesn't Satvir Kaur A Southampton Labour Councillor Standing for Parliament Mention Their 13 Years as a Southampton City Councillor, Leader or Cabinet Member On Their Leaflets?

Satvir Kaur Labour Leaflet
for 2024 General Election
from Southampton Test Constituency
Photo: Southampton Independents

Satvir Kaur is the Labour candidate for Southampton Test (West of the City) at the 2024 General Election.

As mentioned in other articles on this website, Ms Kaur is also a Councillor on Southampton City Council, and has been since 2011. She was in the Cabinet, the chief executive committee on the Council, exclusively populated by ten or less Labour councilors, for most of that time, over a decade. As well as this, she was briefly Leader of the Council from May 2022 to December 2023.

So why does she and Labour seem to be so keen not to mention this relevant experience?

Candidates and their parties send out leaflets to be delivered by their party or the Royal Mail. Southampton Independents has obtained two leaflets - one unaddressed and one addressed, from the Southampton Test constituency during the election campaign. 

Satvir Kaur Labour Leaflet (reverse)
for 2024 General Election
from Southampton Test Constituency
Photo: Southampton Independents

So why in her leaflets doesn't Satvir Kaur mention her experience representing the people of Southampton for all this time?

All what could be relevant experience as a Member of Parliament, somehow is not mentioned at all in either of the two leaflets. Neither the word "council" nor the word "councillor" are mentioned in either of the two leaflets.

Satvir Kaur Labour Letter Leaflet
for 2024 General Election
from Southampton Test Constituency
Photo: Southampton Independents

And nothing Councillor Kaur achieved on the Council is mentioned on any of the four pages in total on the leaflets. In fact, nothing is mentioned about the failures either, especially on the Council finances.


Satvir Kaur Labour Leaflet Letter (reverse)
for 2024 General Election
from Southampton Test Constituency
Photo: Southampton Independents


Perhaps there are other leaflets that mention how she took the Council to the brink of bankruptcy, instead of claiming in a leaflet that she will "fight" for Southampton?

Perhaps Southampton City Council have banned Ms Kaur from mentioning it?

Perhaps other leaflets explain how she will suddenly bring "affordable housing"? As mentioned before on this website, the Labour administration of the City Council spectacularly failed to deliver council-owned housing during the entire time that Labour has controlled the Council, with Kaur in the Cabinet or as Leader. This was despite promising to build council housing in their 2012 Manifesto. Worse than this, Councillor Kaur was Cabinet Member for Housing.

So we have asked Councillor Kaur. We remain sceptical, but will see if she will provide answers this time.

Despite patiently waiting, we never received any responses to the basic questions that other candidates did answer. They are listed below. We are being charitable in offering her another opportunity. These are basic questions that any serious candidate for Parliament could and should be able to easily answer.

1. Why are you standing in this General Election?
2. Why are you standing for the <party or independent>?
3. What will you do in the first 100 days if elected?
4. What do you think are the best top 5 policies of your party?
5. What do you think are the top 5 issues that Southampton people want addressed, and what do you intend to do about them?
6. What track record do you have of winning campaigns?

If no answer is received, residents may be able to work out for themselves why the word "council" or word "councillor" are both missing from the leaflets.

And they will draw their own conclusions as to why Satvir Kaur is so keen to avoid accountability for her failures to truly "fight" for Southampton on the City Council but perhaps they will think instead that she has used the office of councillor to further her own political career at the expense of Southampton, its City Council, its finances and its long-suffering residents.

Finally, it is interesting to note that Ms Kaur mentions being "ambitious" in the leaflets. 


Why Southampton Independents Is Covering the 2024 General Election

Southampton Independents recommends no particular candidate in the 2024 General Election. We publish this information and the information about the other candidates to help inform Southampton residents for their vote, or for them to choose not to vote or to positively spoil their ballot by writing "none of the above". It's your choice.

The other candidates for Southampton Test, with their answers to our questions, are here

Tell us what you think by commenting or getting in touch.


UPDATED 27/6/24: Farage responds - BBC's Laura Kuennsberg Names Southampton Reform UK Candidate on "Offensive Remarks"

John Edwards, Reform UK Candidate
for Southampton Test
Photo used with permission: John Edwards


UPDATED (27/6/24): The Reform UK Party Leader has said today, as reported by the BBC, that:

"Asked about offensive remarks made by some of his party's candidates, Farage admits that they have "had people say things that I'd rather they'd not".

"Politics sometimes attracts people who are a bit rough around the edges," he says."


The BBC's Laura Kuennsberg, presenter of Sunday with Laura Kuennsberg and former political editor of the BBC, has published an article naming John Edwards, the Reform UK candidate for Southampton Test at the 2024 General Election.

Offensive remarks have been seen by the BBC, says Kuennsberg's article. They are from eight Reform UK candidates, of which Mr Edwards is one. The article says:

"John Edwards, the candidate for Southampton Test, referred to women appearing on ITV2's Love Island as 'thick tarts' and the former leader of the Liberal Democrats Jo Swinson as a 'gobby bird'."

When asked by Southampton Independents, in our six basic questions sent to all candidates, why he is standing for Reform UK, Mr Edwards told us:

"Reform UK ideals match my own."

So that Southampton residents can be informed and make up their own minds about the article, and his comments, Mr Edwards has been asked to comment, as have all other Southampton Test candidates. 

UPDATE: 24/6/24 no comment has yet been received from Mr Edwards. The Daily Echo has reported, when asked about the Kuennsberg alleged comments, and others too, that he has claimed that the Twitter account with which he has been associated was "hacked":

"When the Echo contacted Mr Edwards regarding these posts, he said they were “not on his account, with the exception of one, which is now deleted”.

Mr Edwards added: “This is clearly the work [of] hackers out to discredit our party.

“The account is closed as stated. I do not know the date of the hacking. All I know [is] that there is data missing. A new account has been set up.

“For me, it's back to proper campaigning talking about things that matter to voters.”"

Candidates approached includes Wajahat Shaukat, the Workers Party of Great Britain candidates, who until recently had no contact details published. Alex Culley, the Southampton Itchen Reform UK candidate, was asked for comment. He declined to comment when asked, passing us to Mr Edwards' comments above.

The Independent has reported that the firm asked to do the vetting of Reform UK candiates,, denies "stitching up" Reform UK. The Leader of Reform UK, Nigel Farage has threatened to report them to the Police and is pursuing legal action.


Why Southampton Independents Is Covering the 2024 General Election

Southampton Independents recommends no particular candidate in the 2024 General Election. We publish this information and the information about the other candidates to help inform Southampton residents for their vote, or for them to choose not to vote or to positively spoil their ballot by writing "none of the above". It's your choice.

The other candidates for Southampton Test, with their answers to our questions, are here

Tell us what you think by commenting or getting in touch.

Friday 21 June 2024

EXCLUSIVE IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW: Reform Candidate says Tories "on the verge of imploding... Reform wants a launch pad"


Alex Culley Reform UK Candidate for Southampton Itchen
Photo: Alex Culley


Andrew Pope, himself a twice Parliamentary Candidate for Labour in 2015 and then Southampton Independents in 2017, interviewed Alex Culley at Ocean Village, Southampton. Mr Culley is the Reform UK candidate at the 2024 General Election for the Southampton Itchen Constituency, which covers the East of the City.

The Conservatives are "on the verge of imploding" says Mr Culley, and Reform want to be the "actual opposition". Reform are seeking a "launch pad" for the next election, regardless of the number of seats they eventually win at the Election on the 4th July. Polls are predicting that they will win seats.

According to Mr Culley, Reform thinks that the Tories have not done Brexit properly, failed to curb mass immigration or use our new found sovereignty for our advantage. Mr Culley says that the UK should leave the European Convention of Human Rights to deal with illegal migration, and that Reform is not a climate change-denying party. 

We provide the responses below so that you can make up your own minds.


Reform Surges In The Polls

At the time of writing (21st June), it is true in the BBC "Tracker" poll of polls that Conservative support has dropped since the Election was called, and the support for Reform has increased since Nigel Farage announced his candidacy in Clacton and took the leadership of Reform. For balance, support for the Liberal Democrats has also increased, and the support for Labour has decreased about the same amount as for the Tories.

Mr Culley says that this General Election is to give Reform a "launch pad" for the next election cycle, which may be in 2029. Mr Culley's "civilisational moment", as he sees it, agreeing with Professor Matt Goodwin, applies to our country but it also applies to the Conservative Party, he says.

Mr Culley says that donors sitting behind the Conservatives will be deciding who to back now. He thinks that people who remain in the Conservative Party are thinking that "this brand is so tarnished. It's tarnished probably for a generation."

The interview was conducted before the allegations surfaced into Conservative candidates betting on the election date, which the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak described in the BBC Question Time programme on 20th June as making him "incredibly angry". 

For context, Sunak's campaign has been beset with controversy and mistakes, including him leaving the D-Day 80th Anniversary commemorations in Normandy early, repeated accusations of dodgy figures on Labour's tax plans, and asking a group of Welsh voters if they were looking forward to the football to bemused silence (Wales did not qualify for the 2024 European Championships).

When answering our six basic questions sent to all candidates, Mr Culley said that the country is in a "civilisational moment". 

A Civilisational Moment for Our Country and The Conservative Party

Asked to explain what he meant by the "civilisational moment", Mr Culley says:

"I think for quite some time now, I have felt personally that our country is changing in ways which have not really received (a) democratic consent to the level of change that we've seen in terms of the mass immigration (b) secondly the level of debt that we are taking on. 

And the reason why I think that's serious is because when I've been to one of the hustings, they were all talking about promising the earth to everybody but very little on how we are going to pay for it. And my concern is that I really don't want this country to become another Argentina. 

So I'm sitting at home thinking there are two things: there is cultural change and to be clear, it's not a personal thing. And in Matt Goodwin's book, he wrote a book about National Populism. He says that most national populists are decent people. They are equated with extreme far right people sometimes, but that's not true. 

Most of them have legitimate concerns about the levels of change, the pace of change, the ability to integrate, the things like the large scale protests that we have had going on and how that's disrupted lives and some of the intimidation that's been around it. That is concerning a lot of people too. 

What is taught in our schools, there is some thinking out that there has been a capture of our institutions by certain ideologies, usually left-wing ideologies, or what I call postmodernist ideologies.

And that's happened really without any democratic consent. No-one's voted for that, that has come from the ground up into institutions and that is affecting how our children see themselves, how they see this country.

And all of these things coming together - our economic malaise, the large-scale migration and some of this ground up activism. It's almost like a chain reaction coming together and it is changing this country in profound ways and in my view, not for the better."

Credibility Gaps In All Manifestoes On Tax, Spending and Debt

Mr Culley says that:

"the other parties, including at the recent hustings, promise to spend your money without explaining what that means. That means tax rises or more debt".

For balance, Mr Culley was challenged on potential gaps in the Reform UK contract as there are also gaps in the other party manifestoes, despite the party's claims to be fully costed and funded. The BBC's Economics Editor Faisal Islam has argued that "voters are being taken for fools" in his analysis of the manifestoes, lacking in "credibility".

Asked specifically about the Labour Manifesto, Mr Culley thinks that:

"The Labour approach is to say as little as possible which they can be hung on because they see the polls as telling them they are in a winning position so let's not say anything that could create a problem for ourselves."


Reform Is Insurgent Unlike The Westminster Parties

Bearing in mind that both Labour candidates have failed to reply to our requests for interview and failed to answer the six basic questions, Mr Culley's assessment seems to be accurate. 

Yet all candidates, not just the Labour ones, for the Westminster parties (Lib Dems, Greens, Labour, Conservatives) have also refused to answer or respond, with the exception of the Conservative candidate for Southampton Test, Ben Burcombe-Filer

This is consistent with the view that candidates from the Westminster parties put themselves and their party first, and Southampton residents a distant last.

Will Reform be the same, if they get seats at Westminster? It is hoped not and that they will continue to be insurgent.


The Tories Have Not Done Brexit Properly

So moving on to everyone's favourite topic (or at least one of Reform UK's), Brexit!

Reform UK is currently an insurgent party at Westminster with no members of Parliament. This may change on 4th July. Reform was previously the Brexit Party, which won the 2019 European Elections. So if Brexit has not been done properly, in what ways have the Tories failed? Mr Culley says that it is in three ways:

  1. "We have still got part of our country in the customs union, with Northern Ireland and effectively a border in the Irish Sea splitting our people apart and it's exacerbated tensions in that region
  2. The Tories haven't really taken the opportunity to de-regulate or regulate smartly. I work in financial regulation myself, so it's my area of expertise. The rule book has not really moved at all, we're trimming around the edges. There are certain people in unaccountable organisations. I'm talking about quangos which really are really trying to keep the rule book as aligned as possible in the hope that we will some day have a launch pad to re-join.
  3. The Tories haven't used our new found sovereignty to really deal with the migration crisis. Now I know that it's important to be clear about this. We voted to leave the European Union. We didn't vote to leave the European Convention on Human Rights. They are two different things. They are kind of in the some orbit, but they are different things. That wasn't on the ballot paper. But it's become quite clear that we still haven't realised all of the benefits. We've been able to put a brake on the free movement of people within Europe but we haven't been able to extract ourselves from the European Convention of Human Rights. And that is frustrating our ability to deal with illegal migration. We need to do something about that. You can try and reform it and look what happened to David Cameron when he tried to reform the EU. He was effectively blown out. Or you could say we will leave it and we will try and put something in place which is better or more suitable to our national needs."


Should Our Domestic Rights And Freedoms Be Sacrificed?

When asked what Reform UK would replace our membership of the European Convention of Human Rights with, Mr Culley says:

"In our (Reform UK) Contract, we talk about a British Bill of Rights. The basis of human rights today and the European Convention in particular comes from actually, British jurisprudence. We had the Magna Carta. Through history, we gradually through a process of evolution, derived more freedoms, more rights.

We of course believe that human rights are important. Say for example freedom of speech, which paradoxically come under quite a lot of strain in recent years, particularly in places like Scotland. But also here in England as well. 

So we do believe that everybody should be treated fairly. And we definitely believe that there should be something. But I think our premise is the European Convention of Human Rights was drafted after a specific event, World War II, and the world has changed a lot since then. 

Movement of people is a lot easier, the world has shrunk. The nature of political conflict has changed. At the end of World War II, we had atomic weapons but now we've got fully armed nuclear powers facing off against each other. And that has changed how conflict operates. Most conflict now happens by proxy. And that's why the Ukraine war was very unusual. It was quite a shock to a lot of people. We didn't expect to see war in Europe again.

So I think our point is laws are synthetic constructs, they should change over time. In ancient civilisations they had legal codes that represented the way their society operated at the time. But we wouldn't look to cut-and-paste those now, because society has changed. So that's our perspective, we certainly think in terms of basic treatments, it doesn't matter who you are, where you are from, everybody should be treated equally.

That's what we want. That's the way of achieving a better outcome."

Is Reform A Climate Change-Denying Party?

In Mr Culley's answers to our six basic questions, it appeared to be that Reform Uk is a climate change-denying party. Was Mr Culley's response misunderstood?  Mr Culley said:

"I think you may have misunderstood that point, with the greatest of respect.

At the beginning of our Contract, we say that climate change is a fact. The climate has always been changing since the dawn of time. 

Richard Tice made the analogy towards King Canute. Funnily enough we are sitting near Canute Road right now. 

Regardless of all this effort that we're putting in, to try and get what I call fractional gains in terms of limiting CO2 emissions. What we're saying is, we need to have an honest discussion about the cost-benefit analysis or the cost-benefits of some of the measures that we're undertaking.

So I think in August last year, this is on the Internet so you can find it, there were about 1600 to 1900 scientists and professionals, two Nobel Prize winners included, who said look there is no 'climate emergency'."

When challenged again, based on his previous answers to our questions, on whether he believes there is climate change, Mr Culley said:

"There is climate change. That's clear in the Contract. But the climate has always been changing. That's our point. And I think our point also is that these things are not completely settled. All science is contested. Karl Popper said if you don't have arguments based on evidence where somebody can advance evidence which is contrary to the evidence that you advanced, we are no longer talking about science, we are talking about cult. We're talking about religion. What we want to have is an honest discussion about how much the measures we're taking are costing the British public. How much of an impact is it going to have globally in emissions anyway, considering that we're only contributing about 1% of the global emissions and be honest to people about how much that's impacted their energy bills. And public services because they've got to keep their lights on. It makes everything more expensive."

When asked if Reform UK believes whether man-made climate change is real or not, Mr Culley said:

"We believe that it's made a contribution. But we believe that it's not the only factor at stake. This contribution in our view is contested as to how much and how big it is. We're not sitting in a basement at our computer saying we're a denying cult. That's not our position."

The Reform UK leaflet obtained from Mr Culley refers to "cheaper energy" and does not mention climate change explicitly. It asks for voters to "send a message to Westminster" and to vote for:

  • A Plan to Stop the Boats
  • Net Zero Immigration
  • Cheaper Energy
  • Lower Taxes


An In-Depth Interview

So, there you have it, an in-depth interview from an insurgent Reform UK party.

There was a whole host of other topics that could have been discussed in the interview, but time did not allow.

We would like to thank Alex Culley for taking the time for the interview and for answering our six basic questions in full.

Hopefully this in-depth interview, and the other answers and non-answers on the Southampton Independents will better inform Southampton residents on their vote. It is offered as a free public service.


Why Southampton Independents Is Covering the 2024 General Election

Southampton Independents recommends no particular candidate in the 2024 General Election. We publish this information and the information about the other candidates to help inform Southampton residents for their vote, or for them to choose not to vote or to positively spoil their ballot by writing "none of the above". It's your choice.

The other candidates for Southampton Itchen, with their answers, are here


Labour's Darren Paffey Does Not Answer Our Questions - 2024 General Election Candidate for Southampton Itchen


Darren Paffey is the Labour Candidate for Southampton Test at the 2024 General Election. Until May 2024, he was a Councillor on Southampton City Council and was the Deputy Leader of the Council to Southampton Test candidate Satvir Kaur. Paffey was first elected in 2011 and lost his Peartree ward seat in 2015, being re-elected in Bargate in 2016.

Given the closeness between Darren Paffey and Satvir Kaur as Deputy Leader and Leader, it is not difficult to see that Paffey was also heavily responsible for the near bankruptcy of Southampton City Council. Like Kaur, he was in the Cabinet for a long time, and an accomplice to the spending mistakes of Labour councillors that controlled the Council for over a decade.

This near bankruptcy, called a Section 114 notice, that Kaur publicly claimed was a "lie" is a reality faced by the Council and taxpayers, despite the reality of the situation faced by the Council before, during and after she was Leader and Paffey was Deputy. 

Kaur and Paffey, with Labour councillors leading the cheer, led the Council to the precipice of bankruptcy. Despite Kaur's claims of a "lie", other officers and councillors were left on the sinking ship:

Does this sound like rats leaving a sinking ship? Southampton residents will have to decide for themselves when they cast their vote. 

Kaur and Paffey were in the Cabinet together for eight years, spending a huge amount of public money in the process. This is the legacy that they left Southampton councillors and the Council officers with.

If this is the mess that Kaur and Paffey left as Councillors, what damage could Satvir Kaur and Darren Paffey do as Members of Parliament?

Backbench MPs have very little power over spending. If either Kaur or Paffey is elected, perhaps the taxpayer will be grateful for that.

But imagine what damage they could do if either, or worse still, BOTH actually got their hands on a Government Department with a huge budget?

Would Rachel Reeves and Keir Starmer allow them to be a Minister, given Kaur and Paffey's disastrous background with Council money?

With Labour Satvir Kaur and Labour Darren Paffey's record, it is a worrying prospect for the people of Southampton and for the rest of the country, should the people of Southampton elect either of them.

And especially so given their failure to respond to the questions that we sent to both Darren Paffey and Satvir Kaur. These were sent to all candidates with contact details available.

1. Why are you standing in this General Election?
2. Why are you standing for the <insert party or independent here>?
3. What will you do in the first 100 days if elected?
4. What do you think are the best top 5 policies of your party?
5. What do you think are the top 5 issues that Southampton people want addressed, and what do you intend to do about them?
6. What track record do you have of winning campaigns?


Why Southampton Independents Is Covering the 2024 General Election

Southampton Independents recommends no particular candidate in the 2024 General Election. We publish this information and the information about the other candidates to help inform Southampton residents for their vote, or for them to choose not to vote or to positively spoil their ballot by writing "none of the above". It's your choice.

The other candidates for Southampton Itchen with their answers to our questions are here.