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Friday 18 May 2018

YOUR VIEWS: Proposed Lidl on Brownhill Way

The Lidl Sign for the Huge Warehouse Nearby

Southampton Independents put residents, not MPs in London, first. We listen to residents. We act with residents. We act for residents. We are a local political party, formed by residents.

What do you think of the plans by Lidl for this site?

We have had supportive comments from residents. We have had objecting comments from residents. We have had concerns expressed by residents. And we have had neutral comments.

Southampton Independents will form our view based on what residents tell us.

And as quoted in the Daily Echo on 17th May, our Councillor Andrew Pope, who lives locally, says that we want residents to benefit from this development, if it goes ahead.

Southampton Independents
Councillor Andrew Pope
 Andrew is quoted:

I want to see what Lidl is going to do for local residents, because Lidl will be making lots of money, so they have to deliver benefits such as improved transport links, a new park and ride, and finally deliver on the promise of sustainability including solar panels on top of the huge local warehouse.
The Labour Council has to make Lidl do this.
Residents and the local area must benefit from the new store, if it goes ahead.

The Echo article is also available online here.

Tell us what YOU think of Lidl’s plans. Tell us what YOU think of our ideas. Contact us via sotonindies (at) or via our Facebook page "Southampton Independents".

We put YOU first. Because Southampton Independents are local residents, just like you.

Denise Wyatt, Leader, Southampton Independents

Councillor Andrew Pope
Councillor for Redbridge Ward
Southampton City Council

At the next City Council elections in 2019
Vote Southampton Independents

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