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Sunday 20 May 2018

YOUR VIEWS: Lidl - Does the Labour Council Only Want the Money?

Southampton Labour has already robbed millions
that could have spent on roads
and spent it on the Arts Complex
Proposed Lidl Foodstore on Shirley Road and Villiers Road

Southampton Independents put residents, not MPs in London, first. We listen to residents. We act with residents. We are a local political party, formed by residents in 2017. Join us!

What do you think of the “new” plans by Lidl for the Shirley Road and Villiers Road site (new planning application 18/00746/FUL)?

Lidl already have a massive warehouse
that is adding pollution to our air
Southampton Independents Councillor Andrew Pope already objected to the previous planning application, so we were pleased that it was rejected by the Planning Committee.

Councillor Andrew Pope
in one of the roads nearby
Andrew says:

"Residents were disappointed that trees that I mentioned in his objection were not protected by the Labour-run Council. Why? And why did they demolish the site. Do they only want the money from selling the land? It seems so.

Have the plans changed enough? Have they dealt with your concerns? What do you think?

Southampton Independents will form our view based on what residents tell us. Contact us to tell us."

In the Daily Echo on 17th May, speaking on YET ANOTHER Lidl proposal in our City (on Brownhill Way in the North of our City), Andrew is quoted saying:

I want to see what Lidl is going to do for local residents, because Lidl will be making lots of money, so they have to deliver benefits such as improved transport links, a new park and ride, and finally deliver on the promise of sustainability including solar panels...

The Labour Council has to make Lidl do this.

Residents and the local area must benefit from the new store, if it goes ahead.

These comments apply to this site too. The Echo article is also available online here.

Tell us what YOU think of Lidl’s plans. Tell us what YOU think of our ideas. Contact us at the details on this website (on the left). We also have a Facebook page and a Twitter feed.

Leader of Southampton Independents Denise Wyatt says:

Leader of Southampton Independents
Denise Wyatt
"Standing as the Southampton Independents candidate, I almost took a Labour safe seat in Redbridge Ward, because I worked hard and listened to residents - not just at election time. The seat is now a marginal seat. So’ton Indies intend to win it next time.

Southampton Independents was formed to put YOU first, not MPs in London. 

Because Southampton Independents are local residents, just like you. Join us!"


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