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Sunday 20 May 2018

YOUR VIEWS: Lidl - Does the Labour Council Only Want the Money?

Southampton Labour has already robbed millions
that could have spent on roads
and spent it on the Arts Complex
Proposed Lidl Foodstore on Shirley Road and Villiers Road

Southampton Independents put residents, not MPs in London, first. We listen to residents. We act with residents. We are a local political party, formed by residents in 2017. Join us!

What do you think of the “new” plans by Lidl for the Shirley Road and Villiers Road site (new planning application 18/00746/FUL)?

Lidl already have a massive warehouse
that is adding pollution to our air
Southampton Independents Councillor Andrew Pope already objected to the previous planning application, so we were pleased that it was rejected by the Planning Committee.

Councillor Andrew Pope
in one of the roads nearby
Andrew says:

"Residents were disappointed that trees that I mentioned in his objection were not protected by the Labour-run Council. Why? And why did they demolish the site. Do they only want the money from selling the land? It seems so.

Have the plans changed enough? Have they dealt with your concerns? What do you think?

Southampton Independents will form our view based on what residents tell us. Contact us to tell us."

In the Daily Echo on 17th May, speaking on YET ANOTHER Lidl proposal in our City (on Brownhill Way in the North of our City), Andrew is quoted saying:

I want to see what Lidl is going to do for local residents, because Lidl will be making lots of money, so they have to deliver benefits such as improved transport links, a new park and ride, and finally deliver on the promise of sustainability including solar panels...

The Labour Council has to make Lidl do this.

Residents and the local area must benefit from the new store, if it goes ahead.

These comments apply to this site too. The Echo article is also available online here.

Tell us what YOU think of Lidl’s plans. Tell us what YOU think of our ideas. Contact us at the details on this website (on the left). We also have a Facebook page and a Twitter feed.

Leader of Southampton Independents Denise Wyatt says:

Leader of Southampton Independents
Denise Wyatt
"Standing as the Southampton Independents candidate, I almost took a Labour safe seat in Redbridge Ward, because I worked hard and listened to residents - not just at election time. The seat is now a marginal seat. So’ton Indies intend to win it next time.

Southampton Independents was formed to put YOU first, not MPs in London. 

Because Southampton Independents are local residents, just like you. Join us!"


Saturday 19 May 2018


Denise Wyatt doubled her vote between 2016 and 2018

Our local Southampton Independents party is just over one year old. We were only registered as a political party in 2017.

Leader of Southampton Independents, Denise Wyatt, says:

Leader of Southampton Independents
Denise Wyatt
"My result in Redbridge Ward was fantastic. Thanks to everyone who voted for me, delivered leaflets or who put posters up or who put boards up.

It was still slightly disappointing, in that I did not win for local residents.

But I am very pleased that I got more than double the number of votes in the last Council election in 2016. There was no Council election in 2017.

Southampton Independents has shown that it can reduce a huge majority in a "safe" Labour seat, and make it into a marginal seat that we can win next time.

We will continue to help and support residents, as we always have promised, and as we always have done.

Join us and then we can win seats across Southampton! We are definitely on the map now."

Sylvia and Richard supporting Denise

Southampton Independents Councillor for Redbridge, Andrew Pope, says:

Southampton Independents Councillor
Andrew Pope
"Denise should be very proud of the levels of support that I heard during the election campaign.

People all over the Redbridge Ward, from Old Redbridge to Maybush to Millbrook and to the Channel Islands estate, were so enthusiastic about voting for Denise.

It was fantastic to hear and see their enthusiasm.

Southampton Independents is only a small and young party.

Join us and make Southampton have a positive future, not more Labour or Tory, same old story.

There are many people, too many people, to thank.

You know who you are!

And you know what Southampton Independents is all about - by residents and for residents."

Jenny supporting Denise

Shelley supporting Denise

One of our many boards displayed
by one of our supporters

Friday 18 May 2018

YOUR VIEWS: Proposed Lidl on Brownhill Way

The Lidl Sign for the Huge Warehouse Nearby

Southampton Independents put residents, not MPs in London, first. We listen to residents. We act with residents. We act for residents. We are a local political party, formed by residents.

What do you think of the plans by Lidl for this site?

We have had supportive comments from residents. We have had objecting comments from residents. We have had concerns expressed by residents. And we have had neutral comments.

Southampton Independents will form our view based on what residents tell us.

And as quoted in the Daily Echo on 17th May, our Councillor Andrew Pope, who lives locally, says that we want residents to benefit from this development, if it goes ahead.

Southampton Independents
Councillor Andrew Pope
 Andrew is quoted:

I want to see what Lidl is going to do for local residents, because Lidl will be making lots of money, so they have to deliver benefits such as improved transport links, a new park and ride, and finally deliver on the promise of sustainability including solar panels on top of the huge local warehouse.
The Labour Council has to make Lidl do this.
Residents and the local area must benefit from the new store, if it goes ahead.

The Echo article is also available online here.

Tell us what YOU think of Lidl’s plans. Tell us what YOU think of our ideas. Contact us via sotonindies (at) or via our Facebook page "Southampton Independents".

We put YOU first. Because Southampton Independents are local residents, just like you.

Denise Wyatt, Leader, Southampton Independents

Councillor Andrew Pope
Councillor for Redbridge Ward
Southampton City Council

At the next City Council elections in 2019
Vote Southampton Independents

Friday 4 May 2018


Denise Wyatt, who was the Southampton Independents Council Candidate for Redbridge Ward, says:

"Wow! What a result!

Thank you for the amazing support, all the well-wishers on the doorsteps and in the streets and thanks for all your votes!

I am delighted to have the trust and confidence of so many people.

Sadly, I almost won but not quite. I am delighted with the result and I hope residents are too.


Southampton Independents, with your help, has taken the Redbridge Ward from being a "safe" Labour seat two years ago to it now being a "marginal".

In 2016, Labour won by 822 votes.
At the next Council election, it was just 199 votes.

It is within touching distance.

The now former Council Leader Simon Letts only won by a similar margin in 2014. Four years later he has lost his seat. The former Leader of the Council Tories Jeremy Moulton also lost his seat.

Labour still has just two majority. Labour or Tory, same old story.

I will continue to support and work with local residents.

Join us! Enough is Enough!

Thanks again for all your help and thanks for all your support."

Thursday 3 May 2018

VOTE TODAY FOR DENISE Polling Stations Open 7am - 10pm!

Look out for this dropping on your mat!

Lots of residents are backing Denise!
Denise Wyatt is the Southampton Independents Council Candidate for Redbridge Ward. Denise lives and works locally.

Denise Wyatt

Denise says: 

"Please vote for me today!

I am at the bottom of the ballot paper, because the names are in alphabetical order. With your help, when the votes are counted, I will be at the top!

I have been receiving amazing support from people on their doorsteps and on the streets. Lots and lots of people told me that they have already voted for me by post, and asked their friends and family too.

So many people have put posters up in their windows and put Southampton Independents boards in the gardens. Have you seen them? Thank you. Will you do the same? It's brilliant if you do it today. Show your support.

And it's not over yet! I'm not elected yet! Only one seat needs to change for a positive future! Labour has just a two majority and one seat changing means no more majority and we will stop their stupid decisions.

Please get out there and get all your friends and family to vote for me too.

We can't carry on with this useless Council!

You know that I stand up for you."

Sylvia and Richard support Denise

Sylvia Priestley (left), who lives in Redbridge says:

"I have joined Southampton Independents because they listen to you and they act upon your problems."

Richard Smith (right), who lives in Maybush says:

"Southampton Independents are the only party that actually DO what they say they will. They listen and act on what residents say."

Jenny supports Denise
Jenny Murray (left) lives in Millbrook, next to Mansel Park. Jenny says:

"Vote for the best. Vote for Denise Wyatt Southampton Independents."

Shelley supports Denise
Shelley Jones (left) lives in Redbridge. Shelley says:

"Vote for Southampton Independents for the things you want done.

They listen and act for you."

Southampton Independents Councillor Andrew Pope, who Denise hopes to join on the Council, lives in Maybush and says:

Southampton Independents
Councillor Andrew Pope
supports Denise
"Please put your cross next to Denise Wyatt Southampton Independents Putting You First and the Southampton Independents logo.

Denise has worked hard for 3 years for this. I know because I have worked with her and with lots of other local residents who want a better area.

Residents know this. Residents trust Denise. Residents know Denise stands up for them. 

Denise is a respected and trusted woman in our area. 

This is why residents are backing Denise. You can get Denise elected today, or you can carry on with more of the same stuff.

Denise did very well the first time she stood, two years ago, but did not win overall. 

Denise has achieved so much for our area.  As an elected councillor, she can achieve so much more by carrying on her hard work. I am proud to stand up for residents with her and I will be proud of serving you with Denise.

You can make it happen today, polling stations are open 7am to 10pm.

Thank you for supporting Southampton Independents.

We listen to YOU. We put YOU first."

Tuesday 1 May 2018

UPDATED: Southampton City Council and Parliament to Debate Safe Standing

Southampton Independents
Leader of Southampton Independents Denise Wyatt
at St. Mary's Stadium
UPDATED (15th May): Parliament sets date to debate Safe Standing Following Fan Campaign. The Daily Echo has reported here. Our Councillor Andrew Pope is quoted in the Echo article.

Councillor Pope is to propose the below motion at the Full Council meeting of Southampton City Council tomorrow.

Sadly Denise Wyatt narrowly missed out on being elected to the Council. See the other article on this website for more on how Southampton Independents has made a Labour "safe" seat into a marginal seat.


Commenting on the latest news on Safe Standing, Councillor Andrew Pope says:

Councillor Andrew Pope has led the local campaign
for Safe Standing
"This is brilliant news. 

Thanks to all fans who have signed both petitions - our local one and the one for Parliament. We have shown the Tory Government that Safe Standing is not backed by a "vocal minority" as claimed by Tracey Crouch MP.

Now both Southampton City Council and Parliament will debate Safe Standing in the next couple of months. I expect all Southampton City councillors to back safe standing with action.

The debates locally and nationally are major milestones in the Southampton Independents campaign for Safe Standing at St. Mary's.

I am delighted."


Southampton Independents has been campaigning for trials of Safe Standing at St. Mary's Stadium since 2017. We are upping the pressure on the Government to change the law to allow safe standing in the Premier League and Championship.

The issue has been on the front page of the Southern Daily Echo twice since. Southampton Independents Councillor Andrew Pope appeared on the Sasha Twining programme on BBC Radio Solent, listened to supporters and answered questions on what Safe Standing is.

Southampton Independents started a local petition, which is here. Please sign it and share it to increase the pressure on the owners of Saints to come out publicly to support Safe Standing. Thanks to everyone who has signed it so far.

St. Mary's Stadium is all seater.
England and Saints fans should be able to stand

Councillor Andrew Pope started the Safe Standing campaign
in 2017
Councillor Andrew Pope says:

"The Tory Government is living in the dark ages. They need to change the law because Saints fans demand it. I am proposing a motion on Safe Standing to the May Full Council meeting later this month. I very much hope ALL Southampton City Councillors support the Southampton Independents campaign. Some of them have said they support it, but so far have done nothing to support our campaign."

Leader of Southampton Independents Denise Wyatt says:

Denise at St. Mary's Stadium with the seats
We would prefer to stand and shout louder!
"I want Saints fans to be able to stand safely at the match, using rail seats that have a rail in front and behind every row. 

Then we can all stand and shout louder! 

I like shouting, but not only at Labour and Tory councillors who are letting our City down!

I like shouting at St. Mary's Stadium.

Listen to Andrew and other Saints fans talk about this on the Total Saints Podcast here

We all like going to the match and letting off steam, don't we?"

If elected this Thursday 3rd May, Denise Wyatt will be seconding Councillor Pope's motion at the Full Council meeting later this month.

The motion, which may be amended, reads:

"This Council supports standing up for Southampton FC fans and standing up with Saints fans. But since the Taylor Report, and changes to safety regulations, fans are not allowed to stand up at the match. 

Yet Saints' fans passion means that they do stand at every match in the Itchen and Northam stands. They want to stand. They want to sing. They want to shout. Safe standing allows them to support the team with more passion and to do so safely.

This Council supports the national campaign for Safe Standing in the Premier League, and supports Safe Standing at St. Mary's Stadium. 

This Council agrees to write to the Board of Saints and to the Secretary of State to urge the Government and/or Parliament to change legislation to allow trials in the Premier League and then full installation of rail seats or other safe alternatives."

Please Vote Denise Wyatt Southampton Independents on 3rd May to make it happen!