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Monday 23 April 2018

Save our Parks! Working With Residents and Sports Clubs

Dodgy Building: Residents have likened it to a shanty town
UPDATED (26th April 2018): Please see our new article on working with sports clubs and residents, with a statement by Southampton Independents Councillor Andrew Pope



Residents told us about a ramshackle "building" suddenly erected on Five Acres by Queens Keep FC.

We worked with them to bring it to the attention of Southampton City Council.

Southampton Independents Councillor Andrew Pope says:

"We support all sports clubs. But Queens Keep FC should have applied for planning permission. They only did this AFTER we had seen the building, and after I had reported it to the Council. They can't do whatever they like and ignore Council planning rules.

This is what Southampton Independents promised to residents - to work with our sports clubs and also to protect our public parks from bad developments like this."

More photos of the structure, now ruled illegal by the Council, are below.

Our Redbridge Council Candidate Denise Wyatt says:

"I couldn't believe it when I first saw it when I was walking our dog Dotty. The building looks unfit for human habitation. It is dangerous. How can Queens Keep FC think it is acceptable?

I am pleased that planning officers at the Council listened.

It is interesting to note that my opponent in the election, Labour Councillor Cathie McEwing, actually SUPPORTED THIS STRUCTURE. Her support is clearly shown on the Council's own planning website.

WHY? Councillor Pope has sought clarification with her.

Vote me in to replace her. I stand up for residents. Cathie McEwing stands up for cronyism and the removal of public park to private interests."

What do you think?

On 3rd May, VOTE SOUTHAMPTON INDEPENDENTS FOR A POSITIVE FUTURE with sports clubs supported and working with the local community and residents.

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