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Sunday 15 April 2018

UPDATED: Labour-run Council Mishandles Bush Hill FC's Proposal

Southampton Independents
Councillor Andrew Pope

Our Redbridge Council Candidate Denise Wyatt
Millbrook Council Candidate Ed Edworthy
UPDATED (20th April 2018):

Our Councillor Andrew Pope has complained again to Council officers that the website does not properly show the objections and comments relating to this application. This is a week after he raised initial complaints. Andrew says:

"Just what is this Labour-run Council doing? They are failing on planning applications and on protecting our parks. 

Having had six years in power, Southampton Labour have failed to keep weekly bins, failed to fix our roads, failed to fix our pavements, closed care centres at Woodside Lodge, Brownhill House and Kentish Road, and threatened countless times to take away our public park. Vote them out on 3rd May.".


On this website, Facebook and Twitter, we have shown that we care about Southampton and its communities, sports clubs, businesses and parks.

And we care about local residents.

You may have read on this website about the proposal by Bush Hill FC to put up a large 7 foot solid metal fence around an area larger than their football pitch on Mansel Park. It would include gating off public park owned by the Council.

Residents have told us that the impact of Bush Hill FC on the area is already unacceptable, especially on match days. And this proposal would make things worse.

Residents have objected to the proposal. More residents then objected to the proposal. The objectors have included local residents and Council Candidates Denise Wyatt and Ed Edworthy, and Southampton Independents Councillor Andrew Pope.

And now even more residents across the area are objecting to the proposal.

New information has now come to light, because the Labour-run Southampton City Council has failed to handle this planning application properly.

Southampton Independents Councillor Andrew Pope says:

"I have raised concerns with officers of Labour-run Southampton City Council about how they have handled this case. I have contacted senior officers including the Chief Executive.

Now, new information has come to light about quite how badly they have handled it.

To protect local residents, I am not divulging that information now.

I have raised the issue with the authorities.

I am also raising other issues such as the continuing criminal incidents on retail businesses in our area, and the continuing rogue motorbike problems.

I have asked for an urgent meeting with the Tory Police and Crime Commissioner Michael Lane. 

This is not the first time I have had to meet with a Police Commissioner. The previous one, Independent Simon Hayes, listened and acted when I met with him. I hope Conservative Michael Lane will do the same.

Mr Lane needs to get a grip on policing in Southampton. 

And the Labour Council need to get a grip too. They are supposed to be a local authority, so they need to start acting like one."

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