Southampton Independents

Friday 27 October 2017

PHOTOS: Southampton Labour Fails Again on Tower Blocks

The Top Floor Stairwell of Millbrook Towers
Southampton Independents has been campaigning for better fire safety since the fire at Redbridge Towers in April 2017.

As shown on this website, our campaigning with residents forced the Labour-run Council to commit to install sprinklers in all Council tower blocks.

Before our campaign, the Labour-run Council's boss of Housing, Warwick Payne, said that residents did not want sprinklers.

We forced Labour to think again.

Southampton Independents prefer action, not empty words.

We were formed by residents, for residents.

Since the Grenfell Tower disaster in London, we have been pressuring the Labour-run Council even more.

As shown on this website, we have exposed Councillor Payne's failure to fix long-running problems with fire safety in Canberra Towers. This block is in Weston in the Council ward that Councillor Payne represents, Woolston ward.

Some of those problems have remained for a long time, despite Councillor Payne's Housing staff having reports from fire safety experts that showed problems remained unfixed.

On the BBC's Inside Out programme, Councillor Payne did not explain why these long-known problems were not fixed. On the BBC, Councillor Payne's back was to the wall, residents tell us.

Southampton Independents Councillor Andrew Pope says:

Councillor Andrew Pope

"I have challenged Councillor Payne directly to explain why he hasn't fixed the problems. 
Councillor Payne did not give an adequate explanation.  
Councillor Payne has been in this post for over five years and claims to be an experienced Councillor. I've been telling him for five years that he needs to get a grip. Yet Labour keeps him as "Housing Boss". Why?
It is time that the people of Woolston and Weston voted him and the two other Labour councillors in Woolston Hammond and Blatchford out. This is supposed to be the area that they represent, but they too have failed. 
It's the same in Redbridge and Millbrook, the two Labour councillors McEwing and Whitbread have failed to get Southampton Labour to fix the problems in Redbridge Towers and Millbrook Towers.
And don't forget that Millbrook Labour councillor Mike Denness is under investigation by the Council. 
It is Southampton Independents that is exposing Labour's failures and potential corruption.
Labour is supposed to be in charge, but all they do is charge more Council Tax for a worse Council."
Now, Southampton Independents is publishing below more photos of failures by the Labour-run Council to protect residents of tower blocks. These photos were taken during the last two weeks.

Like before, this is not an exhaustive list of their failures. It is the job of Southampton City Council and Southampton Labour that is supposed to be running it properly.

Leader of Southampton Independents Denise Wyatt says:

Leader of Southampton Independents Denise Wyatt
"Southampton Labour should have fixed the problems. 

Southampton Labour should have known about the problems. 

Southampton Labour should care. But it doesn't. It just pretends. 

We publish these photos to show how Southampton Labour has failed again on tower blocks. 
What is the difference between Kensington and Chelsea Borough Council where Grenfell Tower is, and Southampton City Council? 
One is Tory. The other is Labour. 
Like residents tell us all of the time, whether it is Labour or Tory, it's the same old story - residents let down by the Westminster parties."
The only sure way is to vote Labour and Tory councillors out in the City Council election in May 2018.

The only sure way is to vote for Southampton Independents candidates to replace Labour and Tory councillors in May 2018.

Contact us to get involved to help us to help you, your family and your area.


Damaged handles on fire doors

Many fire doors don't close properly

Another fire door that doesn't close properly

Yet another fire door that doesn't close properly

Rusty hinges on fire doors - will this protect residents in a fire?

The Coroner of Shirley Towers said firefighters were caught in loose cables

Cable through frame of fire door

Bent handle on fire door

Wooden replacements for ventilation grilles - are they fire safe?

Plastic housing for lighting - is this fire safe?

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