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Monday 3 July 2017

UPDATED: Sprinklers - Don't Believe Labour's Spin - Southampton Independents Keeps Up The Pressure

Fire lit in a demonstration trailer
Today at Albion Towers in Golden Grove, Southampton Independents attended a demonstration by the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Service of sprinklers. 

It is important to note that this was NOT a sprinkler demonstration in any tower block. They are still not operational, despite it being SEVEN years and THREE months since Shirley Towers.

While we were there, we took the opportunity to put the Labour-run Council under more pressure, asking more questions about what they have promised in response to our campaign for sprinklers in all of Southampton City Council's tower blocks.

Fire put out by sprinklers in the trailer

The demonstration showed how important sprinklers are, and why our campaign is so urgent. The sprinklers put out the fire very quickly, and it was finished off by a firefighter.


Denise Wyatt
Denise Wyatt, Leader of Southampton Independents' campaign for sprinklers in ALL Southampton Council blocks said:

"Southampton City Council have finally agreed with our campaign that we started after Redbridge Towers. Sprinklers save lives. What a u-turn they've made.

Yet senior Council officers, including the Head of Property Assets and the Service Director for Adults, Housing and Communities, have confirmed that there is no programme for funding the sprinklers in all blocks, and that there is no schedule for the works either.

So the Council is putting out spin, not costed plans. As Public Enemy once said, "Don't believe the hype"!

Further, there was also confusion amongst residents today when or if Redbridge Towers, Millbrook Towers and Canberra Towers would be done this year, as announced by the Leader of Southampton City Council Simon Letts. Council officers were also unclear where the money was coming from, even for these THREE blocks, let alone the remaining FOURTEEN blocks.

We suggest that the Labour councillors are being economical with the truth and placing the Labour Party ahead of the safety of Southampton's residents.

For example, Cllr Letts has already told Cllr Pope that he won't tell him where money is coming from, because Cllr Pope isn't a member of the Labour Party. What a disgrace.

There remains a confusing policy position from the Council. This is demonstrated in the confusing picture given to media and councillors over funding and timing. Residents need answers, NOW.

Southampton Independents will hold the Labour-run Council to their promise to install sprinklers in ALL TWENTY Council tower blocks."

UPDATE (1830 hours, 3rd July 2017):

Southampton Independents Councillor Andrew Pope said on ITV Meridian News this evening:

"(Sprinklers) need to be installed in all tower blocks. 
(Southampton Independents) will continue to put pressure on the Council to install them in all tower blocks, until they've actually come up with the money and the schedule for doing it. 
They don't have a schedule and they don't have the money."

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