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Tuesday 18 July 2017

Labour Council Closing Another Care Facility

The Labour Rose is Wilting Again
The Labour-run Council is closing another care facility.

How can this be, when Jeremy Corbyn claims that Labour Councils look after the vulnerable?

Is Jeremy Corbyn a liar? Yes.

People have been conned into thinking he is honest. But Corbyn isn't. You only have to look at the Labour Manifesto from the 2017 General Election to see this.

Corbyn had no hope of delivering his promise to vote down the Queen's Speech. And he didn't.

Corbyn has no hope of ever delivering his promise on student loans, as admitted by his own Shadow Cabinet colleague, the clueless Angela Rayner.

Corbyn has no hope of delivering his promise to nationalise the water companies. Where would the money come from - it would cost tens of billions if not hundreds of billions? And for what gain to the public?

Corbyn's promises are worth nothing more than the paper they are printed on.

Does the Labour-run Southampton City Council look after the vulnerable? No. They are as bad, if not worse, than the Tories because of these lies by Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Council.

Leader of Southampton Independents, Denise Wyatt, says:

Denise Wyatt, Candidate for Redbridge Ward
in May 2018

"Kentish Road is a respite facility that has proved to be a vital facility by offering a life-line to carers of people with a learning disability by providing them with regular breaks.
Southampton Independents has been working with parents of disabled children. I know what it is like for those parents, because I have a disabled son who is now an adult and receives care.
Parents Amanda Guest, Clare Parsons and Lisa Stead will be making a deputation to the Labour run Southampton City Council on Wednesday 19th July 2017 to stop the Kentish Road respite facility from closing. Please support them by signing the petition at the link below. And come along to see them speak to the Council!
Southampton Independents will be there!"
The petition is here.

Southampton Independents Councillor Andrew Pope says:

Councillor Andrew Pope

"The Labour-run Council has closed Brownhill House care facility on Lower Brownhill Road.
It should be re-opened.
People who worked at Whitehaven Lodge were transferred to Brownhill House when the Tories closed Whitehaven. Now Whitehaven Lodge is flats and houses.
Labour is repeating what the Tories did, because they want to sell off Brownhill House for housing. And people who worked at Brownhill have been transferred to Kentish Road.
Labour is closing Kentish Road as well!
It's yet another case of Labour or Tory, same old story.
Vote for Denise Wyatt as the Southampton Independents candidate for Redbridge ward in May 2018."

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