Southampton Independents

Monday 5 June 2017

Southampton residents say: "This General Election is One Big Tory Con"

Theresa May trying to tell you what the election is about

Andrew Pope, the Southampton Independents Candidate for Southampton Test, says:

Andrew Pope with one of our supporters' boards and posters in Coxford

"Do you share our annoyance at Theresa May trying to tell you 'What This Election is About'?

Do you agree that the people of our City decide what this election is about?

And that it should not be dictated to us by Theresa May from her party-political pulpit in Downing Street?

We think you will agree, because the people of Southampton are smart.

They know the real reasons Theresa May called the 2017 General Election, when she repeatedly said she wouldn't call one.

  1. As Home Secretary for SIX YEARS, Theresa May failed to deliver anything but cuts when Home Secretary. For example, to the Police whose numbers were reduced by around 20,000.
  2. Theresa May is weak. She is anything but "strong and stable". As one resident said, when challenged Theresa May is "shrill and squeamish." That is why the Tories are spending so much time and money trying to persuade the British people that she is strong. 
  3. On the above leaflet, Theresa May claimed "What This Election Is About" is the national interest. It is not, this Election has been called in the party political interest of the Conservative Party, and the personal political career of Theresa May.
  4. Theresa May saw an opportunity to get her way with a massive opinion poll lead over Jeremy Corbyn's Labour. But Theresa May cannot control her own MPs or members of her own Cabinet like Boris Johnson who want to see her fail in order to become Prime Minister himself.

Theresa May thought she could deal with those Tory MPs who are out to get her, and who are out to block what she wants to do. She has tried to replace those former MPs and candidates for Parliament with "yes men" (and in the Tory Party, some "yes women").

This includes the Southampton Test Tory Candidate, Paul Holmes, who is a political careerist and is willing to be a puppet for Theresa May. We will be publishing more on him shortly.

All the while, Theresa May has been trying to blame the Opposition. This itself is laughable because Corbyn's Labour is in disarray - just look at Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott's mistakes and Corbyn's failure to convince the British people that he can protect us.

Theresa May has failed as Prime Minister over the last year. She has also squandered a massive 20-point opinion poll lead over Labour. That is a spectacular failure of leadership.

This is why we predict that if she becomes Prime Minister again, Theresa May will fail to get a good Brexit that works for everyone.

And then we could well have another General Election, when the EU Brexit deal doesn't meet what the people of Southampton voted for.

Why vote Labour or Tory, and get the same old story?

This General Election is One Big Tory Con.

Stop wasting your vote on Labour and the Tories, and Vote Southampton Independents!"

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