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Friday 19 May 2017

Who Thinks Your EU Leave Vote Makes You Racist?

They do.

Who thinks you are "racist"? They do.

This is the Labour Group of councillors on Southampton City Council.

They called Councillor Andrew Pope a "racist" for delivering this speech on the EU Referendum in the Council Chamber last year. (The link is hosted by our sister party, the English Futures Party, a party for all people who live and work in England and who want a positive future for our country).

Andrew Pope
As you can hear, there is nothing racist in the speech.

But the Labour councillors think that voting to leave the EU makes Andrew a racist for representing your views. It doesn't and they are wrong to be so offensive to Andrew and you.

The Labour councillors are no different to Labour's Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott, who called ALL 17.4 million people that voted to Leave "racist". She was also the one who got her maths wrong on Police pay.

Soton Indies Party Emblem

Vote for Andrew Pope Southampton Independents to be your next MP. 

Andrew has already listened to you and stood up for you on Brexit.

Alan Whitehead, who "has-been" your Labour MP for 20 years, voted AGAINST triggering Article 50 to start Brexit, despite our country of England voting for Brexit and the majority of Southampton voting for Brexit. Alan Whitehead puts his own views ahead of your views. Did he ignore you because he thinks you are "racist", like the Labour councillors and Diane Abbott?

Labour councillors and MPs like Alan Whitehead and Diane Abbott think they know better than the 17.4 million people who voted for Brexit.

Andrew is the ONLY Candidate for Southampton Test MP who has campaigned in Southampton for Brexit.

Andrew will stand up for you to get the Brexit that you voted for, a Brexit where Southampton people will work together for a positive future.

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