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Saturday 27 May 2017

Southampton Schools March Must Be Called Off

Regarding the march scheduled by Southampton Fair Funding for Schools for Southampton tomorrow, Southampton Independents Parliamentary Candidate for Southampton Test, Andrew Pope, says:

"This march should be called off.

Firstly, it is taking Police away, when the country's threat level is Critical, the highest level.

Secondly, it is disrespectful to those who died in Manchester to mount a loud protest with speakers, whistles, microphones and noise. And it is unnecessarily endangering adults and children at a time of danger.

Thirdly, Southampton Independents and parents have exposed the Southampton Fair Funding for Schools as a front for the Labour Party and unions. They pose as being a group of parents, but it is clear the Fair Funding campaign is organised by teaching unions. They have misled parents, which is unforgivable.

Their campaign criticises the Conservative Government for cuts that might come in, but they haven't criticised the Labour Council and Councillor Darren Paffey who removed funding from Southampton schools that had previously been promised.

If it was a parent-led campaign that was balanced in its criticism, Southampton Independents and parents would support it. But it is not.

We understand that they have even given Darren Paffey the opportunity to speak, to pretend he is on their side. He isn't. He cut school funding! They should be criticising him, but they aren't because he is with Labour.

Southampton Independents, and parents that we have been in touch with, will not be attending.

Southampton Fair Funding for Schools must call the march off."

One irate parent agreed:

"I think it is dangerous, disrespectful and yes it's not what it appears to be.  Thanks for exposing it for what it is. 

 I've started following the whole fair funding thing on twitter. Most of the photo's posted have references to unions, also the list of followers makes good reading.  There are a lot of people connected with unions one way or another."  

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