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Tuesday 9 May 2017

Nobody Trusts May on Immigration

With the news that the Tories intend to make their twice-broken promise again to get net migration down to the "tens of thousands"*, our Southampton Test Parliamentary Candidate Andrew Pope says:

Andrew Pope
"Nobody believes Theresa May on stopping mass immigration.

She failed to do it when Home Secretary in David Cameron's short-lived Government.

She failed to do it when Home Secretary in the Tory-Lib Dem Coalition Government.

And she will fail to do it as Prime Minister.

Her recent negotiation tactic of saying she can be a "bloody difficult woman" and trying to talk herself up, doesn't match with her record of failure.

Theresa May talks big, but achieves little.

You don't get to carry on as Home Secretary if you challenge the department. The Sir Humphreys will have you out if you do.

May hasn't challenged it at all and she has achieved very little.

May didn't show leadership as Home Secretary.

May showed how to protect herself in her job.

Whenever I ask members of the public what Theresa May has achieved, they cannot name a single thing!

This election is about Brexit. It's about achieving the Brexit that people voted for, not a botched version of Brexit that is becoming more likely every week with May's approach."

Southampton Independents campaigned for Brexit. 


Because the people of Southampton asked us to.

People across Southampton said that we need to:

  1. stop mass immigration
  2. get control back of our borders
  3. get our public services properly funded, and 
  4. have British laws decided by the British people. 

NOW Southampton Independents WORKS TOGETHER with Southampton residents for a brighter and safer future for EVERYBODY.

Our great nation has always fought for a better future.

Brexit is about fighting for a positive future.

If you want the Brexit you voted for, please Vote for Andrew Pope Southampton Independents in the 8th June General Election for Southampton's voice in Westminster.


* From the BBC article:

"Net migration is the difference between the numbers of people moving to the UK for more than a year, and the numbers of people leaving the UK to live elsewhere for a year or more. The most recent figure was 273,000 and the last year that it was below 100,000 was 1997."

"EU migrants accounted for about 44% of the 596,000 people who came to the UK in the year to last September,
Of these, an estimated 294,000 came to work, 134,000 were long-term students, 74,000 came to join existing family members while 61,000 came for other reasons - including asylum seekers and those receiving medical treatment."

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