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Thursday 25 May 2017

My Pledge: BREXIT Working for You

Andrew Pope, the Southampton Independents Candidate to be the next MP for Southampton Test (West), is the ONLY candidate that campaigned in Southampton for Brexit.

He listened to the people of Southampton who wanted Brexit.

He worked for the people of Southampton to secure Brexit.

He stood up for the people of Southampton to win Brexit, in the face of abuse from Labour MPs like Diane Abbott and Southampton Labour councillors.

Southampton Independents listen to what the people of Southampton want, and work with them to secure it.

So if you wanted Brexit, please consider voting for Andrew Pope, Southampton Independents.

Even if you did not want Brexit, please consider voting for Andrew Pope, because he will work for a Brexit that works for you, your family and your area. 

Andrew is the ONLY Southampton councillor of 48 who stood up for you, against Labour and Tories wasting more millions on "Arts" when the City's roads remain a mess.

Andrew is the ONLY councillor of 48 who stood up for you to have a referendum against Labour and Tories wanting to join Southampton and Portsmouth together in a disastrous "Solent Devolution Deal".

Don't forget that Alan Whitehead, who has been the MP for 20 years, ignored the views of the majority of people in England, and of the majority of people whose views he was paid to represent - Southampton people. He voted in Parliament, as your MP, AGAINST triggering Article 50 to start Brexit.

Local residents are rightly outraged that Alan Whitehead did so.

So that the people of Southampton can be sure that their next MP will properly represent their views, Andrew Pope now makes the following pledge:

"I pledge that:

In the light of the facts that:

1. The majority of people in England voted to leave the EU.

2. The majority of people in the Southampton Test Constituency voted to leave the EU.

That I campaigned for Leave in the EU Referendum campaign, because I listened to the views of the people of Southampton.

That I will work for the English people to ensure that Brexit delivers what English people in Southampton Test voted for, as proved by polls conducted by Lord Ashcroft, namely:

A. That mass immigration has to end and Southampton people want control back over our borders and our public services

B. That English people have the say over their future, rather than Brussels bureaucrats and out-of-touch MEPs

C. That I will vote for the repeal of the European Communities Act 1972 and the repeal of any other acts to enable Brexit

D. That I will vote for any other new acts of Parliament to enable Brexit


Andrew Pope

Southampton Independents"

VOTE Andrew Pope Southampton Independents at the 8th June 2017 General Election, or using your postal vote before then.

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