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Tuesday 2 May 2017

Labour, Corbyn and Whitehead Are A Threat to Our Safety

With today's news that Labour's Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott doesn't seem able to add up, Jeremy Corbyn visited Southampton and the Redbridge ward in the Southampton Test constituency.

Our Southampton Independents candidate Councillor Andrew Pope represents the same ward.

Andrew Pope is standing in the General Election against Alan Whitehead, Labour's candidate.

Andrew said:

"What use is a Labour policy if it is never going to be implemented, because Diane Abbott, Jeremy Corbyn, Alan Whitehead and the Labour-run Council lack any credibility because they are not leaders and they cannot add up?

Unlike Jeremy Corbyn and Alan Whitehead, Southampton Independents are here all year round, not for a flying visit every few years at election time.

They were on Kendal Avenue.

Did they show Corbyn and Whitehead the library on Kendal Avenue that the Labour Council closed, despite it costing little money and it being popular with local adults and children?

Did they take Corbyn and Whitehead to the Brownhill House care centre on Lower Brownhill Road, that the Labour Council closed last year, despite the NHS and social care crisis that Labour is always going on about?

Did they take Corbyn and Whitehead to speak to headteachers and parents of children at Southampton schools that the Labour Council last year said would get extra funds for extra pupils, funds which were then taken away later last year?

Did they take Corbyn and Whitehead to speak with Redbridge Towers residents who were left literally in the cold, with no information, after the recent fire?

Residents told me this morning that they resent Corbyn and Whitehead using our area for a publicity stunt.

And it appears that their visit is as poorly thought-through as Labour's policies and their sums on their policies.

Residents have suggested that Corbyn "jog on" back to Westminster and out of our area.

And that Alan Whitehead needs to be voted out at the General Election on 8th June 2017."

1 comment:

  1. Could have knocked on my door. Just seen the report on the BBC news and I've never heard so much rubbish in all my life. That chip shop isn't empty because of kids,it's because there are better chip shops in the area.Bus stops next to Tesco and as for the police well if Labour hadn't of spent money they didn't have in the 1st place we wouldn't be here.
