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Tuesday 26 July 2016

Victory! Hated Labour Regeneration Scrapped!

Trees in Mansel Park

The Daily Echo reported yesterday what we already suspected.

Labour has admitted defeat in its four years of failure to deliver a single property in its "Regeneration" of Millbrook and Maybush.

Andrew is quoted in the Daily Echo saying:

"Labour has had over four years to deliver Millbrook and Maybush Regeneration.
So far all they've delivered to residents is anger and confusion, and a set of proposals from expensive consultants that are extremely unpopular."
Andrew also says:

"My decision to leave Labour over its failed Regeneration is completely justified.
The vast majority of residents didn't want it and I fought for their voices to be heard."

Denise and Andrew add:

"This is a Victory for the residents of Millbrook and Maybush! 
We fought for residents to have their say and to have the public meeting earlier this year. Residents rightly showed their anger at the public meeting, booing Labour Councillor Cathie McEwing when she accused them of not being interested. They were!
This proves that Residents are not "apathetic" like Councillor McEwing accused them of being at the "Steering Group" meetings. Residents are interested in their area, and in defending their area from stupid projects like Labour's Regeneration. 
Labour Cabinet Member Councillor Warwick Payne's incompetence and dishonesty has meant that he has had Regeneration taken away from him by the Labour Leader Councillor Simon Letts, who doesn't know the area either and whose admission of defeat at Full Council on Wednesday show that the last four years have been wasted. 
The Council needs to start from scratch and listen to the public first, instead of wasting more public money on consultants and development companies. Instead of building better housing, they have spent £16m of public money on the Arts Complex white elephant in the City Centre."

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