Southampton Independents

Friday 16 October 2015

UPDATE 6: Yes, I am still opposed to the new Test Lane plans

This week I submitted my third, yes THIRD, objection to the proposals to develop the field at the corner of Test Lane and Gover Road.

The chaos at the last Planning Panel left residents, the media and councillors very confused.

I have met with the developers and local residents on two occasions since then, but only three topics were discussed - those topics that were ordered by the Panel when they "deferred" the application.

The minutes of the Planning Panel meeting, which do not describe the chaos that ensued, state that these 3 issues were:
  1. traffic issues, in particular measures to limit the impact of traffic entering and exiting the site to and from the south;
  2. the attenuation pond within the proposed public open space; and
  3. the timescale for the provision of open space.
Whilst there was significant and constructive dialogue on these three issues, the vast majority of the other issues that I raised in my previous two objection letters, have still not been addressed. This is despite my raising them with the developers and officers of the Council.

Therefore I am forced to object, and I will be attending the next Planning Panel on 27th October at 6pm. The agenda will be published by Council officers at this link, a week before the meeting.

See you there!

All the best,
Councillor Andrew Pope

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